What's the Best Social Media Platform for a WP Site?


Elite Member
Jun 3, 2011
Reaction score
Hi guys,

I have done my own research of course, but I would like to hear the opinions of members of this forum.

I have been building a site using WordPress for client who would like visitors to be able to do the following:

  • Sign up, create a profile and log in to use the site.
  • Add friends.
  • Post content.
  • Like/dislike/share other posts.

From what I can tell, Buddy Press is the way forward, but I would be interested to hear of any other options you guys may know of.

Thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing your opinions.

James :)
in my opinion, buddypress is best wordpress plugin for typical social network website. but i am facing some problem while using it. it does not allow you to save a page for register dropdown menus. After clicking 'save' it goes back to 'none' .
i personally used it good you can share this link through facebook, twitter, pinterest, tumblr, reddit.. it easily help to make a traffic well
you also add share tag like fb, twit, pint. and feedback icon whic help you to improve your performance of your blog..
my hearty congrats keep it up mat..:)
You need a premium plugin.

Or you use a free plugin to create online forums
Buddy press is the best one.it can be easily automatically adapted.it have several components which directly link with social network sites like fb,twitter,etc.
take look at this site:
check it.hope it help you.
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Try UserPro. It's a paid plugin and you can let people login with their social accounts.
WP Symposium is another alternative to BuddyPress for WP social media platform.
buddypress or some of membership scripts.... google it (membership site wp)