Whats the best place to sell articles


Aug 18, 2010
Reaction score
i have a collection of 700 words unique articles, what do i do with it?
make a site, put up the articles and do some seo. make more in the long run.
you can pay a $20 fee and offer your articles here. they have to approve it though. You can also try DP (digital point) or warrior forum.

Also, try websites like Elance.com where people hire article writers.
You can start selling your article in this forum try it to service for sale section. or you can offer the same in digitalpoint forum or worrier forum
The admin at hotlittlelist is currently offering a buck per unique article plus 50% adsense rev share. Has to be a list though
You won't get much for them on DP, people are selling articles for $2.50 there. Depending on their quality you can always try Constant Content or Daily article or try ArticleSale. Or you can try Warrior Forum, advertise in your signature. But I think your best option is to put them on Hub Pages or your own site for Adsense.