What's the Best Dog Breeds You've Had?


Elite Member
Oct 30, 2020
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Most everyone's had dogs in their lives.

Whether it was yours or one you had a special relationship with and spent time. Got a question for everyone.

What are the best dog breeds you've ever had?



1) Cocker Spaniel, super loyal and chill. Had one of these a long part of my life. Only downside, they seem to snap at kids a lot


2) German Shepard - Silent killers! So friendly and as soon as a stranger comes into their territory. Amazing to see how defensive they can get of their home territor. Just a real assasin-like dog . Full blooded only from the German countrysides. And HUGEEEE dogs. I love them.


3) Pitbull/blog mix - Super fun little guys. Extremely strong dogs for their size. The head of a tank. I actually would have ranked this dog #1 possibly if it were mine. I kept my sister's dog regularly. Amazed me how fast I could train him. Not such the 'silent assasin' like a German Shepard. Just, if he didn't know you, it wasn't a good idea to step near the owner. Very defense of whoever was from the house.
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I own a Lagotto Romagnolo (from Italy) - she cost a fortune. However, she is amazing, her name is Bella.

She loves a ball and will chase a ball till death. She loves swimming is incredibly clever.
We have three pugs right cute little things until they trip you over by being at your feet all the time. Cute af though, so they make up for it ;)
Spaniels are amazing, I had a springer when I was young, and we had the best of times running through people's back gardens at 4am in the morning!

Did yours snap at kids much?

My Cocker Spaniel constantly snapped at kids who tried to pat her head. No clue why lol
Did yours snap at kids much?

My Cocker Spaniel constantly snapped at kids who tried to pat her head. No clue why lol
Nah, she would only snap at dogs that tried to mount her, even during heat. So luckily we never puppies too!
I own a Goldendoodle and a Sheepadoodle, cost me bags. Their names are Cooper and Otis.

Incredibly wonderful family dogs.
Funny enough, my dog has the same name as the person above. I have a rottweiler named Otis. (:
I currently have a French Bulldog and i find him to be a real character more so than my previous dogs, although my old pug was like a little old man he was really funny. I have had Frenchies, English Bulldog, Pug, Labrador and Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
I don't have one as mom won't allow but I would love to have Golden retriever and Malamute as I love furry dogs :D
German Shephard
Mine one is super loyal, confident, playful, gentle (to people he likes) and a super pussy when it comes to thunderstorms.
Alabai (central Asian shepherd)
Very large and good guard.
German shepherd, very smart dog.