What's something you learned from your first exgirlfriend or exboyfriend? Chime in BlackHatWorld


Elite Member
Oct 30, 2020
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What's something valuable you learned from your first exgirlfriend or exboyfriend?

My Lesson...........

Liars gon' lie, Dont Question Why, Just Fly On.............
You are lying piece of shit ? (not me lol)
If she lies to you once it's her fault, if she lies to you twice it's your fault for trusting a liar

Remember this
I learned that I needed to be nicer to girls, I was a douche back then.
Accomplishing your goals and being where you want to be in life first is far more important than being in a relationship.
Most relationships fail because one of the partners isn't happy with themselves, if not both.
Most relationships in today's society are pretty much built around lust. Without sex, most people wouldn't be happy in that relationship, and would cheat or leave. When I truly loved a person, I could never have any form of sex with them, and yet I'd still be with them until we are no longer here on earth.
Relationships can wait. Your goals in life can't.
What's something valuable you learned from your first exgirlfriend or exboyfriend?

My Lesson...........

Liars gon' lie, Dont Question Why, Just Fly On.............
I learned how to control and manipulate to make them do whatever I want. If you'd like to do this too, pm me
I learnt that after so many many many many years later... fuck off always doesn't always does not mean fuck off.

it just means I want to fuck you but marry ---> nahhhh. now fuck off!
that spending too much time internet marketing is bad for relationships
That no matter how good your relationship is if their mother is psycho narcissistic, you will never make it far with them (your lover)
Learn to identify narcissists.

And STAY THE FUCK AWAY from the way or they are gonna sabotage your head.