What's hot right now and more than $500?


Power Member
Aug 19, 2008
Reaction score
Whats really popular on ebay right now and selling for more than 500? Actually more than 1k would be even better!
so u want someone to do your homework for you so you can stuff egay?
You might check out sites that post watch count and bid count like this one:

that site is not working for us.shows error.any alternative will be appreciated.

I use it almost daily to check out what are hot selling items. I just checked to make certain it is working today. I am using IE 7.

Here is a link to the consumer electronics category on their site:

go to websites like "http://www.walmart.com", at the top there are links that say crap like "top products" "best selling products" etc. click on it. and read. ;) the "homework" to find out what america wants, but dosn't need. isn't that hard.
I don't think that watch count and bid count can be solely used to determine whether something is popular or not. I think what is more important is the SALES of an item or how many times it is searched.

My opinion... :)
You might check out sites that post watch count and bid count like this one:


It looks like someone is trying to advertise there eBay Affiliate Site. Just hover over any of the links on the site and you can see the CampID number.

If you wanna see whats hot on eBay go to: http://pulse.ebay.com/

There you can see the items that are most searched for and the most popular by number of watchers. Also you can search by category if you like there.
what a softcock, Go for stuff over $100,000, like luxury cars, real estate, yachts, 3rd world nations, etc.
i think a really hot item tht is not that expensive either is the macbook air, you see very few of them, but it is attractive and comes in the price range u are looking for.

U might be able to get some sales this holiday season.

If u r selling products please list them on my auction site, its free to list and feature:


try furniture. I have sold several items for 500+ and just had them shipped from Walmarts website ( with a big mark up)