Whats a Good Conversion % For Affiliate Products giving $30-50+ Per Sale?


Dec 13, 2014
Reaction score
Pretty new to the affiliate game but I've been making money online for a while still.

So I know having a good conversation rate is important. But I've gotten 100 clicks so far and no leads.

I dont have a landing page so I'm using a direct link to promote the offers but it shouldn't make conversions IMPOSSIBLE, right?

I am promoting diet/weight loss products like Garcinia Cambogia and its very popular. These offers are paying $30-50 per sale.

If someone can tell me what's a good conversion %, that would be great. Thanks!
Dont they give out free samples ? try promoting free trials
These campaigns have a very high EPC but it depends on your traffic source...on some sources pubs. are getting around $5 EPC sometimes less on other sources....for such offers you will need an LP.
Yes they give free samples and I am promoting an offer right now that gives a free bottle of Garcinia Cambogia pills. Lots of incentive and it's a great offer page.

Also, another weird issue of mine is I am using Bing Ads and the clicks are off.

Bing Ads shows my clicks as 160, and my affiliate site only shows 30. The site I use is always accurate because I've used it for some time now, but how could this be? Bots? Thats what my affiliate manager said but it doesn't really make any sense.

So a 1-2% conversion rate is good when direct linking diet offers? If so, I need to step my game up because so far it's 0%.

Also I know landing pages improve conversions but I want to test out direct linking first and research more. Surely after thousands of clicks I should get ONE sale. If not...then IDK lol.
Best advice would be , get you own custom landing page with a pop to capture emails, grow your email list and then you can pitch them any product just by pressing some clicks.
Thanks for the advice man. I appreciate it. I'm going to make a landing page and all soon.

I'm just trying to see if I can earn off atleast one conversion first to see if this is all worth it. I'm experimenting here and there with basically everything.

Failing 50 times...then the 51st attempt will be a success. That's how it works if I want to make millions.

Anyway, thanks for the advice.

Anyone here have good success with direct linking and bing ads? If so, what was your average conversion %? Maybe someone is in the same boat as me.
Thanks for the advice man. I appreciate it. I'm going to make a landing page and all soon.

I'm just trying to see if I can earn off atleast one conversion first to see if this is all worth it. I'm experimenting here and there with basically everything.

Failing 50 times...then the 51st attempt will be a success. That's how it works if I want to make millions.

Anyway, thanks for the advice.

Anyone here have good success with direct linking and bing ads? If so, what was your average conversion %? Maybe someone is in the same boat as me.

direct linking work with such diet campaigns from what i know...best bet is to make a LP also try to use a presell page...
direct linking work with such diet campaigns from what i know...best bet is to make a LP also try to use a presell page...

Did you say it does work? Kind of what you typed but not sure if you meant it.
Sorry i meant it does not work with Diet as far as i know...

Oh I see. Well this is big to me considering its the only thing im doing affiliate wise at the moment.

If that's true and there is no way to get conversions without a landing page, then I need to make a landing page ASAP.

Can you give me your experience or a reason as to why it fails? Thanks for your advice by the way.
Is the traffic actually from Bing and Yahoo, or from their "partners"? Partner traffic is crap.
Also I don't think PPC can even bring me that many clicks.

I had a daily budget of $100 with 20 keywords. I only get like 50 clicks per day...lame...how do I get more clicks? I want atleast 1000. Since I'm paying for traffic, I should be able to control how many clicks I get based on how much I pay as well.
This guy is a scammer! Took my money and never gave me tracking and blocked me on skype!! Have screenshots to prove it
If you could give me some insight on Bing Ads I would appreciate it, only used to FB but I need other ways to get myself out there.
100 redirects and no leads....No need to panic.

Maybe try creating your own squeeze page to weed out the people who are actually interested in the offer.

In this case a "good" conversion rate is really dependent on your ROI, for cost of the traffic to the amount made.