What would you do with Apple traffic?


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
I have a site that over the last couple of months has seen an increase in traffic. It is an Apple Computer and Apple related products and tech site and I wanted to get some ideas about what you guys think would be a good way to monetize the site.

Thanks all
Most obvious I can think of - put up banners/links for merchants with an affiliate program that carry apple products.
I would think joining Apple's affiliate program might be one of the first things you could do.
anything targeted to apple / apple resellers / apple accessories. Affiliate, CPC ads and also CPM ads, depending on the volume of traffic you get.
I should have added that the site is a blog and I have plenty of Apple related products and ads but they just don't convert. This month I am seeing an average of 250 users a day and growing but not a lot of clicks on ads. I am considering changing the design because the content seems to be the draw but the layout may be what is missing the mark.
why not put a egay-aff shop on your site. if you have wordpress, theres a plugin for that kind of solution. pm me if you need further informaiton.
If you cover 3rd-party applications for the Mac, you might also want to consider offering cheap ad rates directly to developers, rather than going through other channels.
I have an apple / ipod / iphone site that is getting 500 uniques aday. I have just added some links to itunes through linkshare. seems to be converting quite nicely. If its a blog you have you can update it with latest album releases for itunes.

Just a thought.
maybe some kinda email submit offer promoting free apple products? not sure how well it would work but prolly worth a try
I would try and join the Apple affiliate program through CJ. Link specific items straight to the Apple site.
you need to stick with apple products if you have apple in the url. don't put anything up that's in direct competition to apple or you'll get a Cease and Desist and most likely lose the domain, they could take it either way. Hope this isn't the case. Anyway I'd be pushing CPA offers for a free ipod, free itunes credits etc, you get the jist.
alot of other Apple blogs use BackBeat Media. Seems like they are pretty dedicated to this niche specifically

Thanks everyone for the ideas.

I have stayed with Apple products and services and I have had Apple store products on the site. I had it set up when they were with linkshare with 1% commission and 15 return days, I had occasional sales but I made the mistake of checking Non-Commissionable Sales Report one day and found over $10,000 in sales for one month that exceeded return days. That sucked!

I have iTunes on the site via linkshare but I've not seen any real return on it. I may try setting it up differently as I am now using the RSS feed.

I've had free iphone and ipod ads on the site but no real results.

I might give egay another try.
try promoting mac games, at bigfishgames.com you can find some of them (bfg has an aff. program)
edit because cant post this suggestion in regular forums
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i think some related cpa offers will do good on this kind of traffic