What type of hosting do I need?


Aug 10, 2009
Reaction score
Gonna keep this short and to the point. Essentially, if I ran a social networking site expecting to have thousands to millions of members, interacting and doing various things (think of like facebook) what type of hosting is needed? Been looking at all the various prices and plans but honestly don't know how much I'm really going to need to shell out for this. Any ideas anyone?
Start with a VPS from Godaddy. Should give you a good enough bandwidth. If your traffic increase, expand to a Dedicated Server. Thats when it gets pricey.


The "Deluxe Plan".

Roughly how many members do you think that deluxe plan would allow me to handle?

Kaidoristm - Yeah that was my thoughts to it aswell, but the thought of fronting ~5k for a year of hosting up front made me a lil sad haha
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I would avoid GoDaddy at all costs! While they are affordable, they have horrible service. To do this right, you need to get a vps and upgrade as you need. I would check out SoftLayer, KnownHost, or other providers and stay away from the ultra cheap "mainstream" hosting companies.
Roughly how many members do you think that deluxe plan would allow me to handle?

Kaidoristm - Yeah that was my thoughts to it aswell, but the thought of fronting ~5k for a year of hosting up front made me a lil sad haha

I have about 8 websites all on a VPS. My sites gets about 100k UV total. Start with the Deluxe @ $50 and go from there. Godaddy has been ok with me but never put any "grey" or "black" sites on them. They will rat you out in mins.
volumedrive.com - get yourself a dedi and save the effort