What to spend my $100 adwords on?

Which cpa should i promote the most with adwords?

  • Amateur Matches (dating) $3 per free sign up no cc

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mentoring (USA only) $24 per $9 sale

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • TubeSpinner $20 per $47 sale

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Sep 14, 2008
Reaction score
Ok ive decided to get into adwords for the first time ever. Getting my $100 adwords account soonish. When I get off the computer im gonna get a pad and pen and write down pros and cons of advertising different cpa's etc... Hopefully my planning will pay off. I would also like bhw's opinion on which cpa would work best.

The choices are:

1) Amateur Matches (dating) - pays $3 per free sign up (could go to $5 i think)
2) Mentoring - Pays $24 per $9 sale. (USA only)
3) Tubespinner - Pays $20 per $47 sale.
tubespinner is probably the most targeted, dating is a tough niche to crack your site better look on point for that
I'd always like to go for the one with the most payout. So Mentoring would be my pick.
Personally I'd try the amateur matches one, as long as you have a nice landing page for it.
Amateur Matches is winning with 3 votes. Maybe I should test $5 on each, see which one converts best, then stick with that. I think TubeSpinner would be best at the moment =)
Why don't you spend it on me :(?

On the serious side though, I'd go for Tubespinner, that converts quite well.
Your going to need to test with more than $5. $5 will not tell you if it's going to convert or not. You could get lucky at get 2 leads with that $5, then spend $25 more and only get 1 lead.
Thats true blanko, I spose $100 isnt enough to test on, I will use tubespinner then, havent got my adwords yet though.
Which option is easier to break into in the PPC game?

Whichever has the least amount of competition is probably where I would go.
Ok, is this tubespinner you are talking about this site here?


And when I do a search for it I get Results 1 - 10 of about 1,740 for tubespinner. (0.10 seconds

meaning there are only 1,740 results on the keyword/name of the product?

Cause if that is the case, and the product is any good, then don't you dare waste your money just yet on PPC. If the product is converting you can get on the first page of the google results for the main product name in probably like a week. Get some sales first, and then if it starts taking off you will already own front page results for the product name - which by the way people will google and look for reviews on it and it is much cheaper to have a free front page ad near the top than a paid front page ad.

That is my 2cents.

The term just showed no ads when I looked, so the keyword will run you cheap if you want to start with just one.
Thanks twinkletoes, i should do that right now. and blog about it. cheers everyone.
The only thing about targeting tubespinner is the target audience...

People buying this will be web savvy, they will usually know not to click on adverts or just look for the site directly.