What to do with domain that receives 20 daily visits?


Jan 30, 2013
Reaction score
I recently acquired a travel domain that receives about 20 visits per day. How can I make money with this site or at least sell it? What are the best options?

Thank you,
build a new page on the site and start writing/adding some content and then send it to facebook/reddit/stumbleupon/digg/etc, then build web 2.0 sites and either write or spin content which you link back to various pages on your site, make a few yt videos with site info, etc....basically, just build a site that people will want to use, where they can find good info, and try to interact with others in your niche.
What bigbong said, get it up to 2k and then worry about making money. With that low amount of traffic you will never make enough to matter.
I recently acquired a travel domain that receives about 20 visits per day. How can I make money with this site or at least sell it? What are the best options?

Thank you,

I'll say put nice content on your site until is ripe enough to be sold.. Once you get enough page visits you can surely sell it at a higher price. Sell it in domainkaforum then and earn a lot of fortune,
I have about 250 visits per day and make about 1.50 a day. I think you'll need more than 20. its a good start though.
Find the reason behind why people come to your site, provide what they want to your best, allow them to share your site on social medias & that may grow your site's traffic/day.
Where does the traffic come from ? Maybe give a try parking the domain and see what happens.
If u dont want to or cant do more than that
Just make a auto pop Up to Cpa..
Not sure How it works
parked it with good domaining company and see the income on same say. if traffic comes from countries like usa, uk then its going to give you $5-$10 bucks daily...
It depends on what kind of traffic. There are sites out there with 600 visitors pm making thousands if the KWs are competitive. If its generic even adsense wouldn't give you enough to buy a meal at mac's.
Make the 20 visits into 2000.


20 visits doesn't do anything. Anyone can build a 20 visit web site in a couple of weeks if they know anything at all about internet marketing. Making a web site that gets several thousand visits a day is something that will bring you profit.
No offense but
In domain parking business 20 visit could make you $20 per day...and its not a guess work or speculation, just go and find out someone who is in domain parking business they will tell you how much they make with this 20 visits...
and if you are little lazzy then no need to find anyone, because i am one of them..LOL

and my every word is true only if these visits comes from countries like us, uk where advertiser pay too much money to get traffic.

20 visits doesn't do anything. Anyone can build a 20 visit web site in a couple of weeks if they know anything at all about internet marketing. Making a web site that gets several thousand visits a day is something that will bring you profit.
No offense but
In domain parking business 20 visit could make you $20 per day...and its not a guess work or speculation, just go and find out someone who is in domain parking business they will tell you how much they make with this 20 visits...
and if you are little lazzy then no need to find anyone, because i am one of them..LOL

and my every word is true only if these visits comes from countries like us, uk where advertiser pay too much money to get traffic.

So then how much would you give for my domain that gets 1,000 visits daily?
Park the domain name at sedo.com
you will get 0.10 Euro daily from 20 visitors.
So then how much would you give for my domain that gets 1,000 visits daily?
I am not going to give you even a single cent..LOL as i m not a domaining company, but i am 100% sure you are going to get killer income if you really receive this much visitors every day...but remember the fact i said you are going to get paid high income only if you are receiving traffic from countries like usa, uk ...
hope it helps you to know basic of this business... :D and i want to say one more thing if you really want to go in this business just let me know i will surely help if you give some income share to me...hahaha
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I am not going to give you even a single cent..LOL as i m not a domaining company, but i am 100% sure you are going to get killer income if you really receive this much visitors every day...but remember the fact i said you are going to get paid high income only if you are receiving traffic from countries like usa, uk ...
hope it helps you to know basic of this business... :D and i want to say one more thing if you really want to go in this business just let me know i will surely help if you give some income share to me...hahaha

I've been getting this kind of traffic on the site for 9 years. It has had PR4 or 5 for years, high DA, thousands of pages, etc. I would really like to know how I can turn that into income besides adsense and amazon.
I've been getting this kind of traffic on the site for 9 years. It has had PR4 or 5 for years, high DA, thousands of pages, etc. I would really like to know how I can turn that into income besides adsense and amazon.
I can surely help you, contact me through skpe.