hi i have 5k+ bots that i can do anything with them
i can use their browser and modify everything
can create facebook instagram posts,create mail accounts spam anything change the ads on all websites
yesterday i was created 225k dropbox accounts ofc they get banned but at least i could use them for a few days
after 2 days i collected swarm application tokens from facebook and could access and share things on their swarms
also i have enough good universal captcha cracker
nothing is impossible i can code everything i need
so question is so simple what can i do by them for earning money?
what may i be missing any idea?
best regards
i can use their browser and modify everything
can create facebook instagram posts,create mail accounts spam anything change the ads on all websites
yesterday i was created 225k dropbox accounts ofc they get banned but at least i could use them for a few days
after 2 days i collected swarm application tokens from facebook and could access and share things on their swarms
also i have enough good universal captcha cracker
nothing is impossible i can code everything i need
so question is so simple what can i do by them for earning money?
what may i be missing any idea?
best regards