What service or tool is currently missing in the market?


Junior Member
Nov 4, 2022
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Hello everyone. I have a highly professional team of programmers, but I lack an idea that would bring us significant profits. What service or tool is currently missing in the market?

I promise that a good idea will be rewarded in the future.
A Snapchat bot. You literally can't find one that is completely automatic, not here at BHW and not anywhere else on the internet.
A Snapchat bot. You literally can't find one that is completely automatic, not here at BHW and not anywhere else on the internet.
Thank you! Please tell me more specifically what needs to be automated there?
Please tell me more specifically what needs to be automated there?
1. Adding people (high amounts) from the Snapchat recommendations
2. Sending them messages
In addition, on Snapchat there is a very high chance that you will be banned if you perform these 2 actions fast and not human-like.
Migrate away from Wix platform (exporting products with images, URLs, etc) to another platform. There's services that offer it but they cost significant amounts of money. I'm pretty sure they are just gouging the market.
you know the idea itself is so rare and valuable, the rest of the process, till u publish the product, is not that hard
So the idea is so costly, I don't think someone share the idea, the good one, for free
I have a business plan that can fetch you more than $100k in profits Monthly.

The total spend to dev is between $40k to $70k. this is not development cost.

Marketing is around $100k.

If you have that type of funding, send me a message.
I always wanted a tool that stores all my accounts, credit cards, phone passwords, etc.. and depending on age keep asking for proof of life validation through email or phone, as soon as I am dead all my accounts get transfered to my chosen person(s) mail/phone, in order to access my paypal, fb, ig, affiliate accounts, etc..
A Snapchat bot. You literally can't find one that is completely automatic, not here at BHW and not anywhere else on the internet.
There already is a bot for this. check out onimator for a snapchat bot
Cheap humanize ai articles ..
Do you want to hear the truth?

Nothing is missing

There is nothing new under the sun

We can only improve on what has been done or we create better versions

There are people who, for example, earn 100k, but if they had a certain tool that they dream of but cannot do, they could earn several times more. And such people usually turn to us - professional programmers, for a high-quality service.
There are also those who use the best tool in the market, but they are not satisfied with it for their own reasons and we can improve this tool, since the team is professional and can bypass any protection from bots and so on.

I need people who need to improve their business, who need certain tools to increase their profits.
And among these ideas I will choose the one (or several) that is needed the most and this tool is either not on the market or it does not meet all the needs of the clients.