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What server configuration for a static website (adult tube)?


Registered Member
Jan 15, 2014
Reaction score
I have a static website with no java or jquery. It is pure HTML/CSS with HTML5 player for videos 720p (file size max 200mb), targeting smartphone devices.

What configuration would be the best for such a type of website?

I will start with VPS SSD CentOS 7

Hardware: More CPU or RAM?
What webserver: Liteserver, Apache, Ngnix?
Caching: memcahce, lscache (any idea)?
RAM & Bandwidth would be vital.

And config depends upon, how much traffic are you expecting.
If you have no idea, or its a new website, then start with 2GB RAM (Choose a Cloud/VPS which has a upgradation option for future)

Use CDN(for JQuery,icons,Bootstrap) & compress images as much as possible
I found something interesting.

What is more important is to set up your raid array correctly.

Based on my experience, the most optimal setup for what you've described (a medium number of users downloading huge files), you want to do the following:

RAID 10 stripe size: 2MB, or, if the raid controller doesn't support 2MB, the largest supported.

In the OS: Readahead of 512KB.

Compared to raid and OS defaults, I've found this provides about 4x the disk performance for your use case. That's a huge boost and can easily make SSDs unnecessary for the type of site you're running.

That said, if you also have a busy database running on the same raid array, it wouldn't hurt to add a couple of smaller SSDs for the OS drive. That would keep that disk i/o off of the storage array and gives you the best of both worlds.

Source: For a tube site, you may not really need SSDs

- HDD is cheaper to operate an adult tube

Another good stuff I found with Nginx is

Using nginx as HTTP load balancer

It is possible to use Nginx as a very efficient HTTP load balancer to distribute traffic to several application servers and to improve performance, scalability and reliability of web applications with Nginx.

- Alternative for expensive CDNs
I think HDD will work fine and its cheaper.

If you are planning to upload videos. Then get 1 server and create 2 Virtual Machines
1 for the main website and second is for uploading the videos. Like this the website wont be slow
I have a static website with no java or jquery. It is pure HTML/CSS with HTML5 player for videos 720p (file size max 200mb), targeting smartphone devices.

What configuration would be the best for such a type of website?

I will start with VPS SSD CentOS 7

Hardware: More CPU or RAM?
What webserver: Liteserver, Apache, Ngnix?
Caching: memcahce, lscache (any idea)?

Hardware - if you gonna store videos on your end its advised to use 2 servers. Storage server (16/32G Intel Xeon 4t/8t) for obviously storing videos and VPS server to handle traffic (8V core 16/32G ram and at least 1GBs dedicated port)
Webserver - Debian with Nginx as front cache and Apache handling the back-end - super fast, handles millions of users even on weaker specs.
Caching - Nginx will handle everything static and Apache's Opcache will preload backend.
Not so fast I am in learning stage I cant use dedicated for a start :)

I made some progress today:

1. Website server - VPS SSD - Nginx (ideal for a static site)
2. Storage server - VPS SAS, high RAM, multi HDDs - Nginx + RTMP + Load Balancing (more servers, when traffic hits)
3. Encoding server - VPS high CPU - FFMPEG

Next to do:

How to mask storage server? Could I use short URLs like Bitly and secure connection (stream only from 1.website server), so others cant embed your videos and steal bandwidth?
Last edited:
Update: I have 2 domains now, I am still designing my workflow, keywords, tags,...

Ok for server side I make some final basepoints for start:

Full site cache on CDN for Tier 1 and bypass for other regions to
Main server VPS SSD (1 domain), Video server VPS SAS HDD (2 domain)

I will use non-managed VPS, with Webmin or CentOs web panel.

If you know any good step by step tutorial for setup Nginx for adult tube site, please paste link here.
If you know any good step by step tutorial for setup Nginx for adult tube site, please paste link here.

I think that might take some time which you do not have. Maybe that is better to pay for setup?
Also I would recommend you to check companies from Adult Hosting. That is a kind of separated hosting providers and they have their services optimized for adult related projects.
@Starmer Yes you are right about time. For start I will use CDN and server is for backup and learning before things get serious, if!
I end up with 2 servers

Offhore domains & server

1 public and 1 private with video host and you can stream only from this public domain.

Site is static and very simple, without search engine.
It has only TAG collection page where you can choose niche tags.
Second feature is Author site - every pornstar have own page with movie collection.

I have build/automate some parts of my workflow:
- get latest torrent list
- filter the ones with same name on onlyfans
- cut movie to <5 min
- change title, without description

What next, how to get organic traffic?
- add intro and load clips to pornsites (stolen content = BAN?)
- add description to authors sites and fill with 8-10 movies to look like real profile
- reddit channel with daily 1-3 updates

Later on if I manage to get traffic, will Ad agency accept this traffic based on stolen content.
What next, how to get organic traffic?
- add intro and load clips to pornsites (stolen content = BAN?)
- add description to authors sites and fill with 8-10 movies to look like real profile
- reddit channel with daily 1-3 updates

Later on if I manage to get traffic, will Ad agency accept this traffic based on stolen content.
Maybe some basic SEO would be fine to get started with.
On web site make it really easy to navigate so users will return again and again.