Also, is there any way to automate this (as in having it post so many per day in the future, not just the "auto aproove posts" checkbox) and future comments?
Don't know if I get this right about your automation question but this is how I use it.
Say, I want to have about 3 posts a day starting from today.
I pull 90 answers from YA
In the date fields I enter today as the start date
As the end date I take 1 month from now
Now CC will have 90 posts scheduled over a period of 30 days and will post about 3 a day (90/30)
Most of the time I set a period of 4 months in the date fields and pull multiple keywords from YA.
So for those keywords it's 4 months on autopilot.
When I come up with some new keywords for that particular blog I adjust the dates and get more months on autopilot.
You can make this as big as you want.
You could take a posting period of a year and pull 1000s of answers, vids and articles all scheduled for the year.
Just don't pull 100s in one go. CC might time out or YA might block you.
When I need 500 posts I run the search 10 times with a setting of 50 a time.