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What Kind Of website Would You Start With BR8LING.com ?

When I see BR8LING i think of the watch brand - Breitling

So an authority site for Breitling watches would be a nice use for the domain.

- Forum for Breitling watch owners
- Marketplace for parts and watches
- Reviews for every Breitling Model
- Huge Gallery
- Maybe a shop with Caps, Shirts, Acessoires, Parts and Stuff
- News section with compilation of every Tradeshow where Breitling exhibits their products (maybe with a calendar)
- General Articles about Breitling
- Product Comparisons for example: Breitling vs. IWC vs. Rolex

Would surely give a nice project...

cheers olystyle
What olystyle said, Breitling was also the first thing to come to my mind.
Honestly I wouldn't for the simple reason that you need to get a domain name that makes sense to people when you say it, you don't want to have to spell it or say '8 as in the number 8 after br' .... know what I mean?

And if you do you should consider registering brateling.com and maybe breightling.com as you may end up inadvertently sending customers there. Of course this depends on your promotion methods etc and if you ever see it becoming big enough to spread by word of mouth.

Nothing, sooner or later you will get a c&d letter from their attorneys and there won't be many options other than closing it