What is this on my domain? /?ftr=vidpgurl


Power Member
Feb 3, 2010
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Anyone know why this (/?ftr=vidpgurl) has attached itself to the end of one of my domain names?

It seems to be indexed as an additional page on my website, but it is not! I tried looking it up and have seen this on a lot of sites now but don't know if its something that I should be concerned about? Don't want duplicate content issues since it looks like an additional page but is actually pointing at my home page...

Anyone have an idea of what this is??? I do have a 301 redirect in place, so, I can't figure this out!
looks like someone was trying to inject something onto your site or looking to generate a page using a php statment
Sorry for the bump... just hoping to find someone who might know something about this???
Damned if I ever saw this but from Google answers:

It must mean that somewhere on the web there are links to pages from your site with that query string tacked on.

The way things work with query strings is that unless you specifically test for their existence and validity they dont' cause any error so the url appears valid.

Since you have such a problem here are a couple of things you can do.

Easiest is to add to each of yrou pages tag to the head of each page that defines what the correct canonical url is for the page:

<link rel="canonical" href="http://www.example.com/somepage.html" />

according to each page's url.

In addition if you can do it on your server, you can test for the presence of a query string and strip any query string, via a 301 redirection to the url without the query string.

If the server is Apache, you can add these directives to the root folder .htaccess file (downlaod it by FTP, using ASCII or text transfer mode):

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,9}\ /([^?]*)\?
RewriteRule \.html$
http://www.example.com/%1? [R=301,L]

Make sure you replace www.example.com with your own domain.

If you don't already have an .htaccess file in the root folder (make sure you enable viewing hidden files in your FTP program), you need to create a plain text file using Notepad, add those directives to it, save it as .htaccess and upload it by FTP to the root folder (using ASCII or text transfer mode).

I don't know what to advise if your site is not on an Apache server.

this may help if you already havent checked this...