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What is the ONE thing you would give up EVERYTHING for?


Elite Member
Feb 21, 2012
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I just ran into an old family friend on a Startbucks run and it really got my head turning. We were talking about my dad (who past years ago after a nasty battle with cancer) and just bringing up some fun times we had as kids with him. He was the cool dad - teaching my friends and I how to ride motorcycles as kids...taking us to ball games...etc.

I told my friend that I would give up everything I had and live in a cardboard box to have 1 more day with him. To be able to talk to him again...hit a baseball game with him...have a beer with him...

So, I ask you this...

What is ONE thing you would give up EVERYTHING for?

The same thing you would give up everything for.
Not trying to be arrogant here when I say nothing yet. I am sure the day will come when I will have
something more to say. I completely understand that though and know time changes everything.

We take our scars in life that's for damn sure. :) I think those people in our lives who taught us and
helped us become who we are today would not want us to give up everything. I am sure there's some
happiness in carrying a torch onward.
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Im lucky in the fact that no one close to me has passed away yet. Something i never want to experience yet something i cant avoid. your dad sounded like a real cool guy and im sorry to hear he passed away.

To answer your question, i would give up everything to have my full health back.
lost my mom dec 2012 on my birthday, she hid she had blood poisoning
and rather than go for treatment she kept it to herself, everything to
have to found out sooner to have made her gone to the hospital for
Kinda opposite...

What my "dad" did to my family, to my mom... for years... and now that they are divorced she is still afraid and I'm as well... you wouldn't want a single second with him, not a day. I don't wanna see him at all. So, on the topic here, I would give everything up for my family to be safe and happy for them no to worry about what he could do one day because we are all afraid that he might come to our house and just... do crazy shit. I would give up everything to see them safe and happy.
My father past away when I was 17 (blood cancer), sometimes I think how nice it will be to talk to him on my current age, travel with him around, go fishing on boat together, when he was alive I was a stupid kid... I wish all of your family members stay healthy and happy guys.
The correct answer was time machine. If i'm giving up everything, i'm going to optimize my one things effectiveness.
My father past away when I was 17 (blood cancer), sometimes I think how nice it will be to talk to him on my current age, travel with him around, go fishing on boat together, when he was alive I was a stupid kid... I wish all of your family members stay healthy and happy guys.

feel your pain bro, lost my dad nov 2014, good fcking riddance , we hadnt spoken since
1990, we had a blow out, i told him what a useless sack of sht he was , in return he
threatened to send round the boys, i told him to get the fck out.

after he died last nov i was able to make contact with 3 sisters i hadnt seen since that day
25 yrs ago, they never new why i was banished by him, they where only told he hasnt seen me.
odd considering we lived in the same town, must have pissed him off alot as my sisters where
told to have 0 to do with me, apparently im a rent boy / drunk / druggy / i pissed myself
guess giving your useless dad a piece of home truth hurt.........

this christmas me 3 sisters shared presents , laughs , and burried the old mans ghost
if u can see this old man > WINNING <

I would give up everything for my parents, fiancee and my sister. I believe family is everything even though their can be conflicts. My parents are both going to be 80 soon so every weekend is a gift that I can spend time with them.
There really isn't 1 specific thing that I can think of to be 100% honest. There's a million things I would give up a lot for, but narrowing it down a single one is tough. There's family and friends I'd give anything to see again, but I don't know that I could narrow it down to 1 person. I've been blessed to not lose anyone in my immediate family though, so my answer is obviously biased by that fact. Family health would be the closest an all encapsulating wish I guess.
What I would absolutely give up everything for though is a chance to do it all over again. I don't say that because I have a lot of regrets, because the choices and decisions I've made, good and bad, have helped me eventually land on the path I've been on for some years now. It's the happiest, and most successful I've ever been. If I had the opportunity to do it all over again however, I would do some things differently. That's assuming I can take the knowledge I learned along the way up until this point with me though of course, lol.
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Kiddos! Pretty sure there aren't many parents around here but I would gave everything up to be able to spend more time with mine, so that I don't regret for all the time lost later.
I would give up everything to have a real family -- wife, kids etc.
I would give up everything to have a real family -- wife, kids etc.
You don't need to give up on everything for this.

I can't tell now exactly for what i would give up on everything as i am only 20 years old but when i will be older and wiser i will have for sure 1 thing like this.
I am very happy right now because all my family is healthy and i didn't had any dead scenario till now.

I wish all the best to all !!