What is the future of Facebook in a year?


Jan 2, 2013
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Do you think facebook will still be dominate, or that it's competitors will gain a lot of ground? Which competitor do you think has the best chance, tumblr? twitter? pintrest?
You can always email Mark and im sure you will get a spontaneous reply :)
Hold on; *Takes out Social Ball*....*BOOM*!!!

Ah, it's gonna be the same with noobs like you asking useless questions about it while Mark gets all the T and V.
Well i am sure it will be on top for basic users. But they are playing really hard to stop spam around. Dropping down reach and all those ban's and stuff. But companies are not Happy these days about their big pages dropping reach towards their fans. Lets see what will happen it Facebook in coming future.
it will continue to be ontop for a few more years imo. no worthy competitor has arisen and google + is a joke.
You seriously think those three social networks are facebook's competitors?
What about we make our own social website (with blackjack and h*okers)? :D
Not good. It's becoming a social monopoly more and more... however, when a monopoly rises, the competition grows higher. You never know what the day brings.
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Facebook as a site on It's own, maybe not too much, but as a company, they have their fingers in so many pies, one of them will do something immense.
The people tech types forget about are the late adopters.

The internet pre 2000 was built by tech types / geeks but the new internet post 2005 is going to be decided by late adopters and "normal" people.

These people don't do fads and won't change technology on a whim. There are 500 million Windows XP computers out there and late adopters are quite happy using them! (Okay, throw in a few million mission critical XP business systems too but it's still a high figure)

IMHO there was a time frame circa 2005 when broadband started to come in and the average Joe decided that the internet wasn't this geek toy but a thing they should have. Any big internet giant at this time was gonna hit the crest of the late adopter wave.

Google hit this wave with search and email.
Facebook hit this wave with social networking.
Hotmail hit the wave with webmail.
Yahoo hit it with email and the tonne of web properties it owns.
AOL pretty much the same as Yahoo.
Twitter hit it with more newsy / celeb / hobby social networking.
Bing (Or Windows) hit it because many late adopters don't know what Firefox is!

The major problem a new network has now is where does your critical mass come from? Sure if you're pintrest or tumlr you can get the kids involved but the minute they reach late university age they will grow up and start using Facebook to keep in touch with family / friends at the same time.

You can also try to get a certain demographic involved but this is always gonna be hit and miss especially when the world is becoming more globalised. I can see a world perhaps where some people will belong to a smaller social network ie: An African American network or Gay network etc and also run a Facebook account too.

Facebook is way to mainstream and too intertwined with late adopters lives to fail now, it's basically the ideal cash cow. (Just as Google search is too)

Personally I see Facebook, Google, Yahoo and Twitter hanging around for the next 20 years. Unless something completely earth shattering happens to the internet in that time the status quo is gonna sit in the middle of the map and spawn camp startups like a pro!
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Not sure when but I ultimately see facebook becoming more of a single sign on solution - think the current 'sign in with facebook' but more developed and without your friends/wall/whatever
Another alternative (maybe path.com) will become the goto platform for connecting with close friends and family, while services like twitter and instagram will continue to allow us to present ourselves but too a much more broad audience.
These threads are getting like the SEO is dead threads. Every year someone predicts that Facebook is dead / dying. Twitter and Facebook are completely different, and the only way Twitter could even have a chance of competing with Facebook is if they changed their format to the sames as Facebook instead of the shity micro blogging format.
It is going to be integration of cloud based technologies. who knows, you might be able to pay your bills through facebook next year. Enterprises are adopting facebook in their marketing strategy and when social and enterprise collaborates, that will have bigger impact.

Line between enterprise and consumer technologies are vanishing. so, a day may come when you will be able to order a pizza through facebook with a credit card that was issued to you after verifying your facebook account. So, facebook's integration with cloud will be the key here...
These threads are getting like the SEO is dead threads.

I'm pretty positive about SEO. If you follow the arguments that Google will be around for atleast another 20 years and they have more holes in their system than a rusty colander then SEO has a bright future!

The only thing that can change this statement is machine learning / artificial intelligence. If they discover ways to mimic human content reviews and can scale it up they might have us beat.

I doubt it though, always gonna be a way; just don't know what it is yet!
I really wonder with hote three competitor's suggestions ... Facebook wil continue to top on those three and barely there will be people aware about tumbler ..
These threads are getting like the SEO is dead threads. Every year someone predicts that Facebook is dead / dying. Twitter and Facebook are completely different, and the only way Twitter could even have a chance of competing with Facebook is if they changed their format to the sames as Facebook instead of the shity micro blogging format.

Not too impossible to imagine (but very improbable) - have you seen the new twitter layouts? lol
Facebook as a site on It's own, maybe not too much, but as a company, they have their fingers in so many pies, one of them will do something immense.


And as long as they use "login as Facebook" for that, people will still be using FB accounts.