what is the best proxy that works perfectly for Tik Tok


Nov 8, 2024
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I was looking for a proxy to target the American audience on TikTok, and I found IP Royal. After using a Static Residential IP, I found that the Pixelscan website detected I was using a proxy. Has anyone experienced the same thing with IP Royal? I would like to ask people who target the American audience on TikTok: what is the best proxy that works perfectly?
Try Bright Data. Bright Data is one of the largest and most diverse proxy networks in the market.
IP Royal is kinda trash, tbh most proxy are.
My advice is don;t find proxy that heavily prooted, find cheap SEA ones, they perform the same
I was looking for a proxy to target the American audience on TikTok, and I found IP Royal. After using a Static Residential IP, I found that the Pixelscan website detected I was using a proxy. Has anyone experienced the same thing with IP Royal? I would like to ask people who target the American audience on TikTok: what is the best proxy that works perfectly?
Was the proxy doing the job though? Just because pixelscan detects you're using a proxy doesn't mean much if it's working for your use case
Mobile proxies 4g tend to be the most stable nowadays.
I was looking for a proxy to target the American audience on TikTok, and I found IP Royal. After using a Static Residential IP, I found that the Pixelscan website detected I was using a proxy. Has anyone experienced the same thing with IP Royal? I would like to ask people who target the American audience on TikTok: what is the best proxy that works perfectly?
In my opinion, mobile proxies are the best option because they are the hardest to detect. The traffic comes through real smartphones, making it appear very natural. Additionally, you can quickly change the IP address when needed.
What browser do you recommend?
Multilogin, Gologin, Hidemyacc are top 3 antidetect browser in the market. You can download and experience yourself to choose the most suitable browser for your tasks.
Mobile proxies are the go-to for social media including Tik Tok. One specific consideration though is that Tik Tok tends to use a lot of data due to the nature of the platform (video) so you'll likely want a package with unlimited data usage on Tik Tok at least.

Fortunately there's lots of providers on the Proxies for Sale section in the BHW Marketplace offering this - find some that have proxies in the country / region you're after, take out some free trials, test with Pixelscan etc and see what works best for your needs.
TikTok proxy is very special because Tiktok not only does risk control based on IP, but also considers many other factors. However, residential IP is a must. If you use a normal VPN datacenter IP, you will be easily banned.
TikTok proxy is very special because Tiktok not only does risk control based on IP, but also considers many other factors. However, residential IP is a must. If you use a normal VPN datacenter IP, you will be easily banned.
Yes we only use 4G/5G Mobile Proxies created with real smartphones. Thats working very good!
TikTok proxy is very special because Tiktok not only does risk control based on IP, but also considers many other factors. However, residential IP is a must. If you use a normal VPN datacenter IP, you will be easily banned.
Do you know what the other factors are? I'm aware of email checks.