What is difference between link karma, comment karma and post karma on Reddit ?

Link karma was renamed a few years back. It`s now post karma.

The difference between post and comment karma should be clear?
Post karma - When you post a thread on random subreddit and get upvoted
Comment karma - When you reply to post of someone and get an upvote for it

Usually comment karma considered as more valued than post karma.
If you want to get instant post karma you can post random ''hot'' pics of celebrities. This is the fast track for establish your accounts. Let it age for a month or two and flip for 10-15$
Post karma - When you post a thread on random subreddit and get upvoted
Comment karma - When you reply to post of someone and get an upvote for it

Usually comment karma considered as more valued than post karma.
If you want to get instant post karma you can post random ''hot'' pics of celebrities. This is the fast track for establish your accounts. Let it age for a month or two and flip for 10-15$
flip what? the account or the post?
Post karma is how many "likes" you get when you post something.
Comment karma is how appreciated are your comments inside the posts.

Comment karma are better, because they are based on your interaction with other members.
It only shows Karma now on profiles, have they removed seperate comment/thread karma now and merged it into one?
It only shows Karma now on profiles, have they removed seperate comment/thread karma now and merged it into one?

No they haven`t. Just visit your profile and hover over the Karma display with your mouse.