Hmm let's see. I will try full on-page seo for retinol creams in my country and see if I can gain some traffic.
1000 pages for 1000 keywords, think GSC will let me get some more with time.
It's high competition you would say. But actually pages ranking have 0 backlinks and shitty commercial content.
If I come up with a proper system, I'll be able to post 25k words of content in maybe 3 days.
Then submit this crap to some websites and see if it moves.
If it doesn't, I move on and go for other channels cause that means effort in this search engine is too high and reward is 0.
Edit: I need 250k words of content. That makes it a little bit harder, so need to figure out how to execute this first. But I think it probably won't require anything else than just the same thing rewritten 500 times.
Also making this site seem like it's a big one and full of links is an idea.
Maybe I will just repeat it 10 times on the same website and produce 2.5m words of utter crap.
Oh no, these number are overwhelming even considering it could be written by someone else.
I will try with something that isn't exactly content like articles, but words - just words about the product with massive amounts of keywords inbetween.
Maybe scraping products that are on the web, then listing their names and substances, just to make a comparison and create a crapload of content.
I see no reason why google would want to rank someone that simply lists substances of their products and not someone that is listing everything and doing comparisons.
So I'll try looking for that entity that makes you win. Certainly it's not an article cause I know as a user I don't care about this content. Only chasing benefits and wanting to hear how magnificient it will be.
I looked up stats and it seems that an average e-commerce website has anywhere between 2 - 6k words on a single page. And out of that number 150 - 300 words is unique content.
But to get that number of unique content you don't need very much.
Next thing to look into is social media and remarketing.