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What is better - Donor status on BHW or ScrapeBox?


Senior Member
Mar 29, 2010
Reaction score
This seems like an odd question but am due to get a grant in the next month and am wondering should I buy ScrapeBox or become a donor or become a VIP here on BHW? I have been leaning towards ScrapeBox but I would most likely need to get a VPS and some premium proxies to get maximum benefit and reduce my ISP bandwidth usage.

Also is the Donor and VIP statuses charged monthly or as a one-off?

I'd go with Scrapebox. Become a donor/Jr.Vip once you use Scrapebox to start making money.

Donor/VIP is a yearly charge, not monthly. :)
Yes guess I'd agree scrapebox as it's a good investment, then make some money and get donor / VIP status.
With scrapebox you will definitely make back your investment with proper use.

You could also end up making back your investment really fast if you open a BST thread with Donor status.
Really? My post was deleted for telling the OP to save his/her money?

To sum up what my deleted post said:

- VIP/Donor only gives you access to a greater selection of methods and JV's. But unless you already have the resources in place, then VIP/Donor isn't going to benefit you at this point in time.
- Scrapebox is only a tool. You still need extra money/resources (vps/proxies). And unless you have a few sites/blogs then you won't find it that useful to yourself (unless you sell a service like 'download' mentioned).

@OP, my advice is to save your money. Work hard and find a method that works. Then take the money that you were going to spend and use it to help expand/automate that method. (Better to spend money where you're making money).
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Thanks for all your opinions... I guess I will go ahead with ScrapeBox and make my first goal to earn enough $$$ to pay for donor/vip status :).
Well, Scapebox was my tool ever. Thanks to that I have earned enough to buy the best tools that money can buy:) So I would suggest you to buy scrapebox. Go here so you can get it for $57:

As far as I am concerned both are a good investment. I would buy scrapebox first as well , but you will definately find stuff in jrVip thats really useable with scrapebox.

Whatever you do , both will return its investment in a short amount of time.

Good luck
Well its not easy to get earn money through SB . So i suggest first go with Donor and learn more and more and then earn
I'd go for SB as well but it's not a magic box that will instantly spit out cash. I got up to $6,000 a month without using it so I'm sure you could.
Only get scrapebox if your going to use it enough to make it worth it. Its definitely not the only link building tool you should use (if your working on new sites) so you won't fully use it anyway.
Buy scrapebox at first and then buy the Donor status (when you have cash to donate)

What do you want to do with yourself?

You can easily make the $97 back from Jr VIP with the signature privilege, all the review copies of stuff given out in Jr VIP, the type of thinking that gets passed around in Jr VIP and of course selling services. If you don't have a clear direction then Jr VIP might be the answer.

If you don't already have scrapebox I wonder why you need it now. It is a very useful tool and I have no idea what I'd do without it but if you have been doing IM since March 2010 without it I would think that having it now would not change much for you. Jr VIP could change things for you simply because you will be exposed to new ideas and ways of thinking.
I do believe LBrown is right about Jr VIP - I'll upgrade too in the next couple months, if for anything, to contribute to the forum I love, and yes, just for a couple of the features it offers it's worth it's price.

However, my take on you not having this little (inexpensive) tool in your arsenal at this point is that you're going about things in an unstructured manner (IM-wise). But I bet that if you chose to go Jr. VIP first, then you'll open your eyes to the importance of having the tools of the trade and you'll end up getting them anyways, so it's more of a matter of flipping the coin if you're hesitating.