What have you bought with your blackhat earnings?


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2009
Reaction score
What have you been able to buy as a result of your internet marketing (cough*blackhat*cough) earnings? ;)

Thought it'd be kind of cool for people to show off a bit. Myself? I've saved all my earnings so far.
a Filipino hooker with gingivitis
Nice thread.

I have reinvested all of mine. Well, other than the odd beer here and there.

I am still in my first year though.
I bought a home in 07,06 magnum rt in 08,08 altima in 09. Sittin on the rest and traveling when I can. ;)
scrapebox... some more black hat tools...
A Lamborghini Murcielago, after one awesome campaign in a new untapped niche.
42 inch monitor / lcd tv - some tools - new computers and built a web server - paid a ton of bills
an aircraft carrier.... seriously rapidshare premium (was in a rush to dw something)