Read Rule No.5.
You must be a member of the forum for 30 days and have 50 quality posts before you will be allowed to use a signature on this forum. In order to use links or images in your signature, you need to be a Donor. You may post 2-3 affiliate links or 1 SMALL banner in your signature. Do not use a font size larger than 2, crazy fonts/colors, sound clips, excessive smileys, or anything else annoying. We reserve the right to change, delete or rearrange your signature as we see fit at any time.
I don't think that's it because they could just set the permissions to disallow links. I see what your saying about the for advertising part. I put a link to an affiliate program once and I never had a problem (I was unaware of such a rule)
Wasn't ghostcpa removed from the BST section? They probably took down your sig because you were linking to the sales page.
idk just my theory
P.S. Redhack, it's because you no longer have a donor status
I'm still a donor. Look under my screenname
What I'm saying is, sure you donated but the paid membership part expired. Or did it not? How come your name is yellow?
I don't think that's it because they could just set the permissions to disallow links. I see what your saying about the for advertising part. I put a link to an affiliate program once and I never had a problem (I was unaware of such a rule)
Wasn't ghostcpa removed from the BST section? They probably took down your sig because you were linking to the sales page.
idk just my theory
P.S. Redhack, it's because you no longer have a donor status