What do you use for social media management?

Succeed Greatly

Registered Member
Jul 28, 2014
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I'm experimenting with buzzbundle, but seeing there is such a large range of these programs on offer, which do you prefer and why?
I use bufferapp just because it's the first one I tried and I've never had a reason to switch.
Better use of labor, and suppress your time for not a lot of work.

You look at the statistics.
Test samples and scale becomes large
have been using bufferapp too. It has everything that I need to manage SM.
Could anyone recommend a program/service which includes social media account creation & proxy features?
I use SOCIOTA to manage my social media profiles from one place. Add, delete and monitor basic statistics to ensure my social media management is performing well. Group profiles together so audiences can be separated for easier management.

but i have no idea about proxy thing as i don't much use it.
socialboard is a good one
I use http://www.socioboard.com , free and opensource :)

I see it says free on the frontpage, but when I look into the document is says:

Socioboard provides
you 30 days trial
period. Once
your Trial period get over and
whenever you login ,the page will homepage along with a pop up "You can only use
30 days as Unpaid user!" . After that you need to make the full payment in order to

use the services further

Is this true or did I miss something?
I use multiple IFTTT.com accounts to post across all of my Social Media/Blogs and manually check my Social Pages because I like to view the accounts from a customer's perspective, if you wouldn't click your own posts.. Why would somebody else?