What Do You Think OF Foundational Link building?


Regular Member
Aug 8, 2021
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Hi there!

I've a website that is 4 months old. I am intending to make it a complete white hat website. I am going for the income school approach and I build no backlinks. I am concerned about foundational link building. I mean Web 2.0, miniblogs, edu profile links, social signals, wiki media and press releases ..etc.

What do you think of those? Are they beneficial? Can they harm my website in any way?

give me your insights, please!
No harm with these links but don't ignore Good Guest Post Sites along with.
White hat is when you're not involved in any link building efforts and just let them come naturally, so foundation link building already puts you over the edge. As for if they are worth it, personally, I think it's just BS and adding fluff for the sake of it.