What do people use to sell facebook likes?


Regular Member
Apr 21, 2014
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Okay ive been wandering around on fiverr for a long time now and see about zillions of people selling facebook likes some even here selling 1000 likes for $1 and ive been wondering how they do it, i got myself a addmefast account and been racking up points with an i macro script but its not fast enough and my firefox always crashes after about 600 points or something so its a hassle cuz i cant leave it on in the night. someone willing to hook a brother up ?? :) i am thinking to start my own gig on fiverr selling facebook likes, instagram followers, twitter followers youtube views etc.

Thanks :)
Most of them are using some kind of clickjacking scripts.
okay so these people have high traffic websites and they trick people into liking things they dont want to? wont that way the page loose most of the likes it gets?

Thank you for a quick reply :)
It's pretty easy. They are usually people from third-world, Turkey, India, Sri Lanka, etc' who also reside in secret (unlisted) Facebook groups, where there are people of exactly the same kind. They help one another to scam people out of their money. Then, they post their fake Likes offers on Fiverr and from there it's pretty straight forward...

They share your page in those groups and then you suddenly see a stream of people liking your page..

It can get you up to 800 Likes in one round. The thing is... these fake likes are coming from real people. They're only fake because those people have absolutely no interest in liking your page for REAL. In a few days you will see them disliking your page (because it pops on their news feed and they don't like it).

I suggest staying away and not giving them your hard-earned cash. The Fiverr forum is also knowledgeable of this, if one bothers reading it.

If you want to go ahead and do the same, sure, be my guest, but you won't get rich from it.
yes i know i wont be rich with $5 sales :P lol I just thought i should give it a go :)
a few methods:

1. SE Asia literally has click farms, people paid to sit on PC's and click like... over and over and over.

2. Bots and a script.

3. a site that gets a lot of traffic and they click jack likes from their visitors.
Most of them are just bots, Like creating fake profiles from FaceDominator and then using these profiles for liking pages, you can do this too if you want to. Search Facedominator in forum you will get to know what i am talking about.
People do not use addmefast to deliver the service but as stated above they use some type of software with thousands of accounts or a likejacker
there is not just one specific software, there are a lot of bots
It has to be a mixture of click-jacking and bots. But for clickjacking you need to have a high traffic receiving page to implement it.
hmm its seems like people even have professional sites selling likes for really expensive! :/