What can i do with a article list and a bookmark list?


Regular Member
Sep 21, 2012
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Hi I'm new to all the seo stuff, so i have no clue aha, i have a article list with over 100 websites, and i have a bookmark list with over 300 sites what can i do with them in seo wise.
what type of website you have?service site or any other products selling website friend.
Service site means home cleaning services,remodelling services,etc..like this type of services friend.
Use it to create backlinks. You submit an article to an article directory then bookmark it using your bookmarking list.
oh okay then nope, i have a humor site

Great then you write some articles with your anchor text and submit your article on niche related high quality article submission site means you have more traffic and get high quality backlink to your website.

The same for bookmarking just submit your site URL in quality bookmarking site means its more benifits to you..
if you dont have any tools, do manual submissions on them :D

Exactly i cant understand your question... You have 100 article directory and 300 SBM sites. Its ok, then what u need exactly weather improve your site back-links with these lists or do anything from these lists for others like link building service.