What are the follow/unfollow limits on pinterest?

275-300 if you want to keep your account safe for a long time.
Per day? How long between follows? Also can you unfollow 300 the same day too?
Would like to know the answer to this also.. anyone been banned?
Not sure what the correct limits are but I am running a bot on my VPS and follow around 600 people I day, repin 500 pins, likes 500 pins and have not been banned yet.
200-250. If you will follow more then pinterest will ban you.
200-250. If you will follow more then pinterest will ban you.

Not sure why you bumped an ancient post with bullshit totally incorrect information?

First, you can follow around 300/hour and no.. they don't ban you because you literally cannot exceed that amount. It tells you that you've followed too many and won't let you follow more until you wait. Try in the thousands per day, 4000-5000 followed/unfollowed is totally doable.