What are the best ways to schedule posts on IG now?


Registered Member
May 8, 2015
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I'm having a bitch of a time relying on Jarvee and Followplanner to post to my Instagram pages reliably.

Does anyone have any experience with using other sites like Hootsuite or Later.com?

How about Creator Studio on FB? It seems a bit buggy, but might be my only option at this point.
Buffer is another comparable option that I personally use on accounts not running any automation.

Works a treat! Only caveat is, same as Later and Hootsuite, it does require you to have a business Instagram account to post fully automated (without notifications to phone etc).
I use Later. It works very good for me. I can't post IGtv. Can't do automatic post on carousel posts, you prepare them in Later and then you get notification on mobile Later app and then you post it.
Hashtag research is useless.
You can save captions - works very good.
You can upload from computer, also from mentions, tags and you can from url.

All in all I am good with it :)
I'm having a bitch of a time relying on Jarvee and Followplanner to post to my Instagram pages reliably.

Does anyone have any experience with using other sites like Hootsuite or Later.com?

How about Creator Studio on FB? It seems a bit buggy, but might be my only option at this point.
I was using social lately but after my free trial finished i was also searching an alternative - FB creator studio i tried and it wasgood experience

Why do you think FB CREATOR studio is buggy
The problem is IG won't let you add posts directly from hootsuite or later without connecting with a FB account. And if you have many IG's that needs to have complete automated postings (without a notification and posting on the phone), you need one FB account for each of them.
Buffer, a better alternative with much simpler interface. Not sure if it's still free.
Hootsuite you can use for IG and it's easy to do, although we prefer to use on FB their post scheduler instead.
+1 for Buffer. I run all FB, Pinterest, Twitter, IG accounts.. It's cheap and easy to use.
Use the official Facebook Creator Studio. Posts get uploaded directly to your Instagram account. (The only requirement is that it has to be a business page).
Why do you think FB CREATOR studio is buggy

Use the official Facebook Creator Studio. Posts get uploaded directly to your Instagram account. (The only requirement is that it has to be a business page).

I manage 10+ Instagram accounts with 10 matching FB pages and I need staff to help manage posting and such.

I find that when I give admin/editor access to a facebook page and instagram page, they don't show up on the creator studio. Even though everything is connected to my Facebook business manager, including Instagram pages, I have to have my staff manually log into each individual Instagram account on Creator Studio which I feel like is a bug. According to what it says, anyone who has access to the facebook page + Instagram page should be able to see the IG page on the Creator Studio. Thats what I mean about it being buggy. I use jarvee to grow all my accounts, so I don't want people logging in from multiple locations just to schedule posts.

I'll revisit Buffer. Thanks you guys!