Was there no Google update in December 2024 ?

Just to answer your query:

I'm going to repost my meme once again, since it took 2 mins of my poor skills of PS editing :D
Yes, there was a significant Google core update in December 2024, which led to notable fluctuations in search rankings for many websites.
This new update is the first update in past years for my websites to grow :) For now, traffic has increased 100%+ and keeps going up
This new update is the first update in past years for my websites to grow :) For now, traffic has increased 100%+ and keeps going up
What Google often does is raise sites high into the air, like a bird of prey, then releases them so they fall quickly to their death. Hope it sticks for you, but the only thing growing are zero click searches.
For me itis going good for 2 days. Hope not to be bad...
What Google often does is raise sites high into the air, like a bird of prey, then releases them so they fall quickly to their death. Hope it sticks for you, but the only thing growing are zero click searches.
From 200 clicks per day to 500 is not bad, anyway overall is just 5% of my traffic ... :) so will not affect me even if is going to 0 ... :) but is fun to see something like this after 4 years of each core update my network is going down.
Google got update about 2 days ago. It is good or bad can realize after a few days later.
I have planned to optimize my pages especially the product pages, should I wait until the dec update rolls out completely?
You can follow the Google Search Center blog, where they will post updated times
My website ranking returned today after 9 months from March update. So seams the keywords and links showing again for first time since. I was affected by the march and thought it wouldn’t recover ever again hopefully this December update once finished rolling out my site won’t be removed again
My website ranking returned today after 9 months from March update. So seams the keywords and links showing again for first time since. I was affected by the march and thought it wouldn’t recover ever again hopefully this December update once finished rolling out my site won’t be removed again

Congrats, my site looks really bad today. Hopefully it won't be this bad when it stops rolling out.