want to hire someone to run my google local! HELP!

Feb 7, 2014
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hello all, so here is my issue. I am a local locksmith and tired of trying to deal with google + local so I want to hire a professional to do it for me. Locksmiths on maps are hard to get to stick so im wanting someone to 1. get my ad up and 2. if it ever gets taken down to be able to get it back up. I have about 4 other google locals up that say "active" that I have already verified but still are not "live" on maps. if you could edit these to become "live" I will gladly pay for your service. One more thing, I have been burt to many times paying up front so if you can just get one ad to stick for me then I will pay but I need to see that you know what your doing first then I have about four others you can charge for. I can explain better over the phone of what I want. please send me a personal message on here tho with your email or phone number attached as I do not have enuff post yet to write u back thanks
Have you tried using local citation services, encouraging customers for google reviews, building links with other local websites ie parish / community sites? A combination of those should start pushing you up. Failing that Adwords, as above, is an ideal place to start generating instant custom although, due to it's nature, cost more in the long run.
Good luck!
Are you a brick and mortar location?

If you are, then it shouldn't be a problem to get your listing to stick. If you're trying to get multiples to "stick" for the same location, though, then Google is going to flag you and keep a close eye on your next attempts....
If he is like everyone in houston, he has gone out and bought addresses for Google verifications so it appears that he has more locations than he has. He managed to get his real business to stick, but cant game the system enough to get the fake ones to

He doesn't realize that selling your address over and over to SEOs is a cottage industry, so people watch craigslist and "sell" their address for $10 to $20 a pop over and over. When the card comes, they confirm it and get paid.

In the meantime, Google has 20 confirmed businesses at one address, and when they look at it in street view, its a residential house or a vacant lot, so the location never goes live.

Since it is against Google TOS to do this to game the system, at some point he may get his site banned from google maps, if not get his site banned all together.

OP, unless these addresses are multiple storefronts for your business, your competitors are going to turn you in to google. I should probably say, continue to turn you in.
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I am new here to BlackHatworld, But I personally can list multiple Locksmith Listings without Brick and mortar or purchasing of any address.
I would be willing to do this for you, but I receive payment first. I currently have someone interested who is also from Houston, I sent him the invoice last night. If he fails to go through with his payment feel free to give me a msg.
Will be happy to work With you .. Lets connect ..