Want help with 2CO Wire transfer details...INDIAN Wire Transfer... Any Indians?


Regular Member
Oct 18, 2011
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I'm quite new to 2CO payment processor & in their wire transfer form there's a field called " Bank account number "
What should i enter in here? The account no of the beneficiary bank or the account no of myself ( beneficiary ).
I'm too confused about this & no good answers either from bank or 2CO.

Kindly suggest.
are you sure? Without an account number, where does the money go then? Thats the only account number field over there.

This tab is for Saem your own Bank acocunt and also another tab of IBAN #

Both are same
nope, im asking whther i should my own account number with my bank in the "BANK ACC NO" field. Should i enter my personal bank account no that i have with my bank?

This tab is for Saem your own Bank acocunt and also another tab of IBAN #

Both are same
That number is the same as your IBAN number, without the country code in front of it if i remember correctly. Been a while since i did this :)
you have to give your bank account number along with beneficiary bank account number.if you have any doubts then just contact 2C0 support or your bank