Wallpaper website? Does it still work ?


Regular Member
Jul 8, 2008
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I'm considering building a wallpaper website. I've read that people that look for wallpapers are ( in majority ) internet noobs with very little ad blindness, wich helps for greater ctr with adsense.
I'm not thinking about making a fortune with it, but 10/20 bucks a day would be allright for a low maintenance website like this.

Anyone here tried something like it?
This sounds really interesting...

I have some niche ideas in this area I would really like to hear if anyone has done this here...

That's where if you built an image hosting website it will turns to fortune...

I mean,

Wallpaper website + Wallpaper forum(If you gain enough unique visits) + Image hosting

But I am still finding good image hosting like imageshack or photobucket where user have their own account and manange their own images.
I use to own anime-wallpapers.com, now I've sold it off I can be pretty open.

It got decent traffic (about 20,000 uniques daily), but revenue sucked donkey balls. CTR wasn't that great.

My advice is your times better spent elsewhere.
Yah, I read somewhere in this forum...

built website where the user "I want to buy this" and not "I want to get this for free"...

It's a good advice ever that I can't forget, but I just don't remember who wrote that...
how about an e-mail/zip submit before they can download... and then ontop of that have it hosted at one of the download websites where you get .3 a download.. then ontop of that wire the place with adsense and then just drive traffic like mad to your website
