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Videos not showing up in seach?


Junior Member
Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
A few of my videos afte ruploading a couple days ago are not coming up when I seach them on youtube and are sitting on 0 views, the videos are up and are public still but because there not on the search engine im getting no views for alot of the vids? Why is this happening very frustrating as usually alot of them would have a few hundred views by now
You are not alone mate. Am having the same problem here. It would be nice if someone could tell us a solution for this.
same problem for me, videos are uploaded 2 days ago and none of them are shown in the yt search. Is yt doing some maintenance ?
Well this explains why my new campaing is getting so less traffic, i guess.need to take closer look later today.
to get your video up in search it should have good tags and must be monetized.
youtube has a higher priority for monetized content.
I know this is obvious, but have you changed the MD5 on the video? I've heard some stuff about Youtube not ranking videos with identical MD5's to the original. :)
I know this is obvious, but have you changed the MD5 on the video? I've heard some stuff about Youtube not ranking videos with identical MD5's to the original. :)

How do you change the MD5 of the file? This might be the problem, youtube may have upped there game with this even further
How do you change the MD5 of the file? This might be the problem, youtube may have upped there game with this even further

I dunno how to just change it straight off the bat, but if you put the video into an editor and do a small edit like taking a second off, that works :)
are your videos ranked after changing the MD5 with the soft ?
Okay I reuploaded some videos after using the M5D hash changer but it doesnt seem to have worked..I even made a new random video on my webcam and uploaded it to youtube but that still has not made it to the search engine, I don't know what is going on right now

okay, so it could be a mesh in yt ranking, it has already happened in the past. We must wait a few days, if the problem is not solved the problem is deeper...
Google is after all of you. They have detected your methods and have tagged your accounts. OMG CHAOS!!!!!

No, just kidding. What happen is there is an update going on, if your account is not on their premium list you won't get crawled. They are using a cache version while they update. Just wait a few days. But yeah also the MD5 for reuploads is the solution.
if you don't mind, where do you learn about the youtube updates going on ? I check the youtube maintenance schedule, the last maintenance was on 14 Jan 2013
How long has it been? it is not "instant" that these videos go into the search engine. I had the same issue to only find myself in the wrong and the video finally was posted to the searches about 72 hours later. Just wait, it should show up :)