Video that will change your life. I have no words left.


Elite Member
Jul 14, 2011
Reaction score
This is trully inspirational video, it made me think really.

I do like to help other people, and it is amazing that even smallest thing can make you and other people smile, if you made smile on other people faces, just try it isnt hard.

Other day i went to mall, had to buy something, and there was some guy in front of me, he paid for beer and Vodka, so he paid, and he was short on $$$ and there was some penies they need to pay, but he had only huge bill, so he said he will come back later and pay, seller just looked at him wierdly, and i said, i can pay, gave him money and gave how much he needed. it wasnt much, but damn, that guy was so thankful and it made smile on his face and it made my morning.

Its just good feeling to give something and make other people smile, its priceless.

And videoooo

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Nice video.... helping others should always be at the forefront of our minds. I need help getting started with making money online. Can anyone help me? ;)
If we're truly living in the mega chaotic multiverse of infinite possibilities, think of the unimaginable travesties happening all around you, at every moment.

Smoked a bowl of hash and then clicked in this thread, gotta say thank you haha.
First video: This video is not available in your country.

Second video: Unfortunately, this EMI-music-content is not available in Germany because GEMA has not granted the respective music publishing rights.

I thought this was going to be some bullshit video at first but I actually took a minute to look at it carefully and it's actually a very good one. If most people were like this, the world would be a better place, it's not an easy thing to get into if you're an ignorant person but once you help someone out once, twice, three times, it will become a habit, a part of you and although you may not see it, others will do the same once it becomes a habit among a large amount of the population.
If a regurgitated video can "change your life", you never had much of a life to start with.
Since i changed to different person today, i wont be rude, but will tell you something, maybe video cant change things in your life and mind, but message what video try to tell does.
This video is great example of that.

Coll video, made me smile :)

If we're truly living in the mega chaotic multiverse of infinite possibilities, think of the unimaginable travesties happening all around you, at every moment.
Smoked a bowl of hash and then clicked in this thread, gotta say thank you haha.
Watch it when you arent high hah.

Maybe you could keep your negative and destructive comments to yourself....that might be best so you don't show the whole forum what an a**hole you really are
lets keep this friendly, i would say some words as well, but got to change life and be more friendly ;)
He is pretty rude and negative, and trust me, negative thoughs, words and mindset never got any people any far in life.
Lets hope he changes
lets keep this friendly, i would say some words as well, but got to change life and be more friendly ;)
He is pretty rude and negative, and trust me, negative thoughs, words and mindset never got any people any far in life.
Lets hope he changes

You are right I should have ignored this. I apologize for tainting your thread.
To be honest, I don't want to blow
my own horn or anything but I think
the video in the OP is just basic manners
which I try to live with on a daily basis.

I'm sure there are many others on BHW
whom such a video doesn't impact them
hugely because they are already good people.

That said, thanks for sharing OP and hope-
fully it will be inspiring to some others.

Thanks to all those members who already
act in such a way on a daily basis.

Evil persists when good men do nothing,


To be honest, I don't want to blow
my own horn or anything but I think
the video in the OP is just basic manners
which I try to live with on a daily basis.

I'm sure there are many others on BHW
whom such a video doesn't impact them
hugely because they are already good people.

Unfortunately what you and me understand as "basic manners", most people especially among the younger population don't really see this.

It's not an inspiring post, it's more of a reminder to those who may have changed or forgotten what me and you understand as "basic manners".
I enjoyed that video a lot OP - thanks for sharing it :) I wish the insurance ads weren't popping up randomly though hahah!
I'm really happy to have seen this video!

The world painted in it is just dreamful! Hopefully, evolution will get us there!
good share. this kind of behavior shouldn't be so weird to see.
Smoked a bowl of hash and then clicked in this thread, gotta say thank you haha.

Maybe you could keep your negative and destructive comments to yourself....that might be best.

Totally, dude. Like wow, man. I can really dig where you are coming from. Like, earlier dude, I was like "WOAH! This video crap is like CRAP, man. Like, people that think they can find their true inner selves from, y'know, watching a cheap-ass fucking youtube video have got to be, well, you know, like fucking retarded, right man? But, you know, since I've had some time to think about it and all, well, I've decided that it's like, well a waste of my time & energy to try to, you know, like give the retarded a clue, because you know they really don't like WANT "a clue", I mean after all, they got their buzz goin' and shit, and who am I to come around and like, ruin their good time, right man?

So dude, like, I apologise and shit, okay? Like, no hard feelings or anything, cause your a pretty cool dude and we should, y'know, like all get along, right? Right. Peace out, Man.