VCC Noob... help me


Regular Member
Sep 26, 2008
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Ok, I am not exactly positive how VCCs work. I have this idea (and I know it has been mentioned here before, but I can't find the thread) to sign up to my adult affiliate program with a VCC to get credit for my "sale." The thing with this program, is you get credited not for a sale, but when a customer enters his CC# and info. Then in the fine print it says you will be charged $xx.xx if you do not cancel in 3 days blah blah blah. So, I am wondering would a VCC work here, if the numbers are valid, but there is little or no money on the card? Nothing will be charged right away and the card should go through.... Does this make sense, lol.

I know how the site is run and by whom. They are not the type of company to shave, they don't care about traffic, checks come once a week, you get credit even if a customer DOES do a chargeback, etc... A very different kind of adult affiliate... (of course more than a few chargebacks would be suspicious) But I know I can get a few a week like this from them no problem... Help. Thanks!
ya man adult sites will close you pretty quick for using vcc's they are pretty smart about that unless you know what your doing
Right, but do the VCCs have to have any money on them to work? I guess that is my main question.
of course. Its a virtual credit card that you have to put money on for it to be valid
You can get VCCs that are preloaded with money, but, of course, the cost goes up as the amount of money on them goes up.

There are many different reasons to use a VCC, but a lot of people use them to create/verify accounts (like PayPa1) that require a card/bank account to create/verify.

havokb8 is right, you will be shut down very quickly if you try to use VCCs to "juice" an adult affiliate program. The re-bill usually starts 3 days after the trial, and when most of your leads cards crap out on the re-bill, they will cancel you, and won't pay out any comissions. If, on the other hand, you are sending them 1000 quality leads a month, and a handful (5, 10, 20?) evaporate because of underfunded VCCs, well, they will probably just chalk it up to normal churn. Still, if you had that kind of traffic, how much risk would you want to put to getting your account shut down, just to gain an extra edge?