Using blockquotes


Regular Member
Sep 19, 2008
Reaction score
What if I quote an article on my blog using blockquotes. Does that affect my SERP and can Google think of it as a "duplicate content penalty" and ban me?
It depends. Are you putting other content outside the blockquotes (your own take on the article or whatever), or are just posting blockquote blah blah /blockquote?

If you are actually adding to the article (i usually do a paragraph talking it up) then you should be fine and suffer no duplicate content penalty. Do be sure though that you are mixing up your content sources; don't gank every article from the same site.
It depends. Are you putting other content outside the blockquotes (your own take on the article or whatever), or are just posting blockquote blah blah /blockquote?

If you are actually adding to the article (i usually do a paragraph talking it up) then you should be fine and suffer no duplicate content penalty. Do be sure though that you are mixing up your content sources; don't gank every article from the same site.

I'm actually writing quality posts but once in a while to save time I use block quotes to list stuff like "features" or maybe a quote from a news article. It seems like Google hasn't done anything to me. Thanks!
I do a quick paragraph, just a quickie intro really, then entire articles in blockquotes and so far so good. Really though, I haven't seen much in the way of duplicate penalties. I think it depends just how popular the original content is.