Use Youtube to drive traffic?? How??


Nov 7, 2008
Reaction score
I've found a few posts here on BHW, and tried looking around for a bit, but How do you drive traffic using Youtube??... is there certain steps you have to take to get your video listed high in Youtube??...kinda like SEO?

If i go onto Youtube, make some videos about my *niche* blog, and put it up, do I have to work to get views?? I have to work to get impressions??...

Please, anything will help!!
Well, from what I've learned from the other threads related to youtube. There's a program called Tubinator, I ran it overnight with a higher delay then recommended and I got 3k views on my video while sleeping.
Sweet, i'll have to check it out!!

How come i've never seen this on here before??? I can definitely use an extra 3k views a day!!!...

There's gotta be a way to tweak something and jack it up to 10k overnight!!:D
i use tubeinator but the only i can do is send messages. i tried using it to spam comments everywhere but it always jams after it pastes the first comment. anyone using tubeinator with great results?
LOL --- I get like 100-200K views a day on my videos.

It took me like a year to get this good though
It shouldn't.

Crack Tube Increaser, use a decent proxy list. Bam, instant 100k views a day.

yes tube increaser is nice.. 100k day? what ever dude.. i doubt it, with that prog running full blast and i can only manager maybe 25k a day
To boosey12:

It helps alot if you actually make a good video. It seems like many people are just in a hurry to get views or remove the watermark from someone else's video and replace it with their own. Whatever happened to creativity? You can make a really good, content-filled video like the gurus do if you take a little time & thought and put some effort and creativity into it. There are so many crappy videos on YouTube that all it would take is a bit more effort than the average joe and you would be miles ahead of the pack. THEN use the tools and methods.

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yeh i to get thousands of views overnight. not 3k lol. thats just not worth the time. and some people seem to forget that u can run more than one app on your comp which dbles the power.
you also need to have fast internet connection if you want to run multiple instances of tubeincreaser
To boosey12:

It helps alot if you actually make a good video. It seems like many people are just in a hurry to get views or remove the watermark from someone else's video and replace it with their own. Whatever happened to creativity? You can make a really good, content-filled video like the gurus do if you take a little time & thought and put some effort and creativity into it. There are so many crappy videos on YouTube that all it would take is a bit more effort than the average joe and you would be miles ahead of the pack. THEN use the tools and methods.


Hi WizGizmo, thanks for this advice. Exactly what I have in mind . . took some time to think and tried to come out with a short but crisp clip. My wife's comment? "It doesn't connect. ." LOL what a motivating comment!
Take a look: and appreciate your comments.
I have three questions:
Are the 300-400 elite proxies in sam*air enough for 10000 views per dayor do I need much more than that? I myself don't get more than 1000 views but it might be due to other reasons (due to be treated).
And how important is to charon the proxies - will this only save time otherwise wasted by TI or help me not to get banned b/c of several non anonymous proxies? The problem is that charoning takes for me more almost an hour from the 5-6 we have and I several times before the actual checking begin I need to tell charon to continueb/c some proxy judge appears to bad. ( I followed all the steps in the quick 'n dirty guide).
Get forum proxy leecher and gather some good forums and leech from their. Samair and public proxy places are imo garbage. Use bleach which is included with forum proxy leecher to test proxies. Make sure you get a good proxyjudge with a good ping. Google if you don't know what a proxyjudge is.
Great tips on increasing the views...but does a high number of views really increase or drive traffic if it is mostly from a bot? I have played with YT for a bit and gotten some okay traffic whether I used a bot or not...most of my videos end up flagged within a week due to the content and trying to drive traffic to an adult type site.

The funniest thing about my videos is most of them are chick strip teases which get flagged quickly...but I got this one video of a dude dancing around with his junk flopping around in his shorts and that video NEVER gets flagged...
Yeah, that's what i'm wondering...
Also, i was watching a youtube video, and at the base of the vid, the person had adsense... HOW THE FUCK DID THEY DO THAT??