Use Your Time Wisely Otherwise You Will Lose


Elite Member
Jul 14, 2011
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We all have 24h in a day, how much time you waste doing nothing, while you could do IM instead ?

Just think about it.

I already realized, that you need to do time managment, use time wisely and dont spend time to waste it, YOU WILL NEVER GET IT BACK.

I am 18 years old, still studying in High school, and i know, time goes really fast, and the more you waste, the further you are from hitting success pot.

Let do some math, im in high school so thats 7-8h a day spent there (But i miss it a lot because i do IM in late nights :D )

24h a day

8h - school
1h - To wlak to school and back, i hate bus
8h - sleep (normaly, its less for me lol )
1-2h - eating and doing other things

+ other extras

= 17-18h for this, and im left with 5-6h a day to do IM, thats not much, i know it and i try to not waste time, cuz its important for me and i know how valuable it is, it goes so fast, and i cant get it back.

When you realize that you waste time, and you could spend it to achieve your dreams, you start to think and get rid of all distractions.

Successful people wake up early, they go to bed late and they use time wisely to make their dreams real.

Do time managment, forget all time wasting things, forget chats and shits like that , which dont mean shit to you, DONT WASTE TIME !
Use time wisely to achieve your goals and dreams...

And no need to put that i waste time making this thread, i wanna make others to realize how valuable time is , and i dont want you to make my mistakes by wasting it...

End lets end thread with quote :

Life is risky. There is only one big risk you should avoid at all costs, and that is the risk of doing nothing.
Don't waste your time or time will waste you.

Ahh Ahh Ahh
Ahh Ahh Ahh
Ahh Ahh Ahh
Ahh Ahh Ahh
Ferma, it's time to work. :D I'm glad that you're so caring and sharing dude, but I have this feeling that you should rather work hard and make monkey in your papal. ;)
time is very important i know that but laziness.ahhhhh
If you want to achieve your dreams and goals, there is no laziness

Ferma, it's time to work. :D I'm glad that you're so caring and sharing dude, but I have this feeling that you should rather work hard and make monkey in your papal. ;)

I know what you mean, I work really hard, cuz im close to my dream :)
Been on fiverr gig buying spree, bought 12 gigs, but need more to buy.

And i got more things to do, but damn, time to go to bed, or i miss school tomorrow because i love to sleep :D
And yes lady's and gentlemen ''Eric ferma'' strikes again with a good motivational thread :p
See you in 5 years.
You'll realize that working in a stressless environment is the most important thing.
Why should i work for 15-16 hours per day, when i can be productive for around 8 hours, everything else is just a plain torture. I had so much sleepless nights just to solve simple problems, which i usually solved after a good night sleep in just minutes, literally.
I walked this path, i am still working hard, but now i don't care if i meet my goals in 2 years or in 5 years.
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And yes lady's and gentlemen ''Eric ferma'' strikes again with a good motivational thread :p

hah yeah, i do Love Eric Thomas, he is great motivator, but best motivator is - DREAM

Ferma, you're really bored arent you?
Nah, got works to do lol
Just need to get some time for BHW as well.

See you in 5 years.
You'll realize that working in a stressless environment is the most important thing.
Why should i work for 15-16 hours per day, when i can be productive for around 8 hours, everything else is just a plain torture. I had so much sleepless nights just to solve a simple problems, which i usually solved after a good night sleep in just minutes, literally.
I walked this path, i am still working hard, but now i don't care if i meet my goals in 2 years or in 5 years.

I dont say that good rest is bad, i used to work long nights before as well , and it was pain in the ass, now i try to get off at 10PM or so and get some rest and work when you are fresh, just sometimes i work in late nights when i have undone works ;)

Ha just kidding. We all wish we were your age :|
I love wasting time now because I did my homework good and my profits are 90% automated these days. Some maintenance, a few new servers, constant streams of accounts, but that's about it. Not always looking for the latest golden nugget when there are timeless cash cows here.. I leave the former to the rabid WSO compulsive buyers. It's true I kept working 35 hours a day to make this happen, but they always said "work smarter not harder", well guess what it eventually worked out for real and now I reap the benefits. That's why I'm here not-so-subtly bragging and fucking around on the forum: believe it or not as someone wrote somewhere "motivation is not enough, if you motivate an idiot all you get is a motivated idiot"... ;) But on the whole follow this good suggestion from Ferma, your odds at being successful will be way higher.
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like was mentioned, not only about # of hours invested but also using them wisely. i did freelance programming for a long time. you don't know how many clients i had paying for tens if not hundreds of hours of programming so to add all these fancy custom features to their website, when they had zero marketing plan and no clue how to achieve visitors. 98% of these websites now sit there with about 2 visitors per month.
I have a break from the university this month, so here's my time management :

6hrs sleep
4 hrs exercising
2 hrs eating and other stuff
12 hrs doing IM nonstop

Pretty crazy graph but guts are worth the results.

I took down my profile on Facebook, same with skype, never logging in, just my Firefox and me. I wanna acquire the freedom that money gives us, in other words, I'll go back there with lots of money.
I have a break from the university this month, so here's my time management :

6hrs sleep
4 hrs exercising
2 hrs eating and other stuff
12 hrs doing IM nonstop

Pretty crazy graph but guts are worth the results.

I took down my profile on Facebook, same with skype, never logging in, just my Firefox and me. I wanna acquire the freedom that money gives us, in other words, I'll go back there with lots of money.

4 hours exercising is a lil over kill dont ya think.
4 hours exercising is a lil over kill dont ya think.
That 4 hours of exercise include getting laid. That's how he rolls :P In these geek lairs nobody ever mentions that.. :D