- Mar 13, 2019
- 533
- 60
100% Dedicated 5G Mobile Proxies
Proxy specifications:
- Location: USA
- 100% Private single-user proxies
- Proxy Type: HTTP
- IP Rotation by time: 10 Minutes.
- Mobile carriers: TMobile.
- Unlimited Bandwidth
Pricing Plan: 50$/Month.
Delivery time: Within 24 hours, after the payment confirmation.
Buying link: Purchase link
Skype Link: live:6980f01603ee5db3
- Unique private 5G mobile proxies
- A unique 5G Proxy for each user with a fresh IP
- Can be used for social networks such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok
Payment methods:
- PayPal & Crypto
Is there any bandwidth or data limitation?
Proxies have unlimited data, and they don’t have any bandwidth limitations.
How fast are the proxies?
Speed is between 10 and 30 Mbps.
Which network do you have?
We are using T-Mobile.
How do I connect to the proxies?
Proxies can be connected by entering the IP address and port number; you can log in with the username and password.
Refund Policy
If the service is not provided, there will be a refund; otherwise, there will be no refund.
We accept multiple cryptocurrencies.