google ignore numbers or anything that are below 3 charecters so according to my suggestion go for .com domain and make sure u r site is hosted on same us country
better if u are serious abt searchengine traffic make it site hosted on Dedicated IP iam not going to say u have to host on dedicated server i advice you on dedicated server it will cost you some more bucks]
What do you mean Google ignores numbers or anything below 3 characters?
I don't know what you are referring to (stop words perhaps, which is not relevant to the questions asked), but the question relates to the domain extension .us versus .com and which would perform better?
Your pro .com argument holds no merit.
Simple answer how many .us domain names do you see at the top for any given keyword , look at this and you have your answer
No you don't have your answer that way, the reason why you hardly see any .us domains ranking is simply because there are much less .us domains registered and in usage compared to the .com extension.
To give you an idea how the numbers vary between the two domain extensions just look at the
factual data on these domain extensions.
The amount of active .com extensions: 78,715,061
The amount of active .us extensions: 1,437,263
This is why you see .com dominating the SERP's - not because the .com extension gets preference.
All things being equal the ".com domain" would "perform" better just because it's more commonly recognized.
my opinion.
If all things being equal between a site hosted on a .com or .us extension it means just that, since the question is search engine related you went wrong saying that the .com is more recognized.
It's more recognized by humans not by search engines.
You can start either a site on a .us or .com if you're aiming for a U.S. audience, host it on a U.S. server and from there on it really doesn't matter if you're using a .us or a .com domain extension to host your site.
From there on it only matters what you do better then the rest of the competiton in the search results.
My 2 cents on this is that you can go with .com or .us if you want to create a site for a U.S. audience and are using a U.S. IP address.