Upload video to my website or youtube; What is better for seo?


Regular Member
Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
I have a blog with instructional videos in some areas of the site. Does anyone think my pages could see better google traffic from uploading and hosting the videos directly on my website, instead of putting on youtube and embedding? I have noticed that pages with exclusive videos seem to rank better, but it could be coincidence. I also like making adsense money from youtube videos, so its a tough decision. Any thoughts?

Now that Google owns YouTube, they show a clear preference to YouTube videos.

The only real advantage to having it on your site is that if it's anything potentially illegal or inappropriate, then YouTube can't remove it...you have complete control of it.
The advice suggested by JasonS should work out the best. And make sure to add a link to your website in the description and do proper optimization for the videos so that they rank good and bring in lots of traffic.
If you're wanting to get more exposure, YouTube would be the better option in my opinion. I think it really depends on what you want to do.