I use it to generate react hooks, contexts and whatnot. If you are a react developer, ask chatgpt to generate these for you. Works better than copilot.
If it makes a mistake, point it out and ask it again.
That’s one way it helps me saving some time (but then again, I know what i am dealing with. I really don’t need to rely on it and I can quality check).
trust me guys, this even works if you are NOT a react developer, like me
all you need to do is copy and paste, and as
@BlurryBit says about "If it makes a mistake, point it out and ask it again."
just learn how to use the inspector and keep an eye on the logs, anytime you see error, copy and paste it into gpt, rinse and repeat.
im currently "developing" few pretty epic saas products to launch on codecanyon soon.
my coding experience is almost 0, i remember like 10-12 years ago when i tried basic html css, with that weak experience, im able puzzle things together, sure im very certain setup and things, secutiry could be much better and improved, ofcourse, but at least im able throw ideas together and by puzzle code snippets i normally would never know how to. when the base is ready, i can work on things such as improving its security and other things.
i believe almost anything is doable to build with gpt, if you do it piece for piece, nice and easy, if he let you down today, im sure tomorrow he won't, all becomes more and more stable