Unbelievable Rankings: My Personal Case Study That Has Consistently Ranked Me In Top Spots


Power Member
Apr 11, 2009
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After my great experience with Web Properties(including 2.0) in the last few months, I have decided to share the results of my experiment. The so called experiment has landed me over 23 Page 1 Keywords from my pool of sites already. Ranking time ranges from within 1 week to about a month plus depending on the competition. My first experiment was on a domain I registered back in August 2010. I didn't have any content on this domain and as such i didn't promote it.

After my first 3 days of promotion, I was already on page 1 number #7 on g00gle.com , # 4 on g00gle.ca and number #11 on g00gle.co.uk. Seriously, it was my fastest ranking ever for a one page site, so I was expecting a serious Google dance. For about 2 weeks the rankings were unstable. But after those 2 weeks, all the keywords have since stuck on page 1 ranging from #4-9.

I ran the same test on brand new domains, aged domains with PR, aged domains with no PR, and results have been similar but with different turnaround time.

Using my first site as a study case, here is exactly what I did :


Keyword Research :

Using GoogleKeyword Tool, I researched 10 highly searched keywords in my niche. (Exact monthly searches was from 8K to 49k and Competition(in quotes) was from 200K to 12M)

STEP 2 :

Article Writing :

For my articles, I didn't follow the conventional way of just using the target keyword a couple times within the articles. I divided my 10 keywords into 2 groups. I grouped the first 5 most related keywords and then the second 5 most related keywords.

If my group 1 keywords were A, B, C, D, E. I told my writers to write an article about A but to also make use of all the rest Keywords in the group which A belongs(i.e B, C, D, E) in the first 2 paragraph of their writing for A. After the first 2 paragraphs, they can continue to use keyword A a few more times(perhaps once in each paragraph).

If the topic they are writing about would be C, I told them to use in the first 2 paragraphs of article C the rest keywords in C's group(A,B,D,E), and then use C a couple times in the following paragraphs. This way, I have my 5 keywords in every article. On day 1, I post one article on my money site, record my ranking and go to the next step.

STEP 3 :

Promotion :

I sign up for account at all possible web 2.0 sites...Article, Video, Blog, Social Bookmarking, PR, Document sharing sites e.t.c.

1. Out of my list of 10 keywords, I pick the first keyword to promote(I start with the least competition). I write 2 unique articles about it(using the conventional way).

2 . I spin the first article, and submit it to the article sites. In the articles, I provide a single link back to my money site. Once i have some articles approved, same day or next, I spin the second article and submit it to blog sites, Doc sites, and PR sites. Wherever possible, using the anchor text I am currently promoting, I will point a link at random to one of my approved articles and another to my money site.(RANDOM IS THE KEY HERE).

3. Once all the linking is done, I bookmark all of the created properties so far. Depending on my motivation/aggressiveness, I usually have a couple 10's to 100's of solid properties at this stage. This will be my 3rd to 5th day of promotion and it is time to take some rest and check my rankings again.

Usually, there will be some improvement already but at this stage, i really do not care. Also at this stage, if it is my 3rd day, I will post another article to my money site from the 10 articles we wrote in the beginning. What i like most about this is that as soon as i click the post button, my posts get indexed:)

4. I take all my created links so far and blast a couple thousand blog comments to them. I use all my 10 keywords as anchor for the blast. Quantity of the blast totally depends on my level of competition.

5. I take all the links including the blast, and index them. I use a BHW member(deki33) tool called, Bulk Indexer to convert all my urls into html and rss feed and then upload them to one of my non occupied domains. 60-80% of my links get spidered in about 2 weeks(Also depends on the volume of the links).

6. While my links continue to index, I will post 1 article(from the original 10) every 2-3 days to my money site.

7. At the end of the first week, I am either on page 1 or have moved up a huge position. If at the end of the second week, I am not in the first 5 pages, I will repeat the process again.

STEP 4 :

Software or Outsourcing?

For my case study site, I made my own imacros script that does the sign ups and up to 60% of the submission. I have trained staff using the scripts and they just complete whatever was uncompleted by the script. If you do not have people you work with, you can outsource this by buying various relevant services or softwares you deem fit.

This process has never failed me. I am about that point now that I can probably tell from a keyword and its competition how many repetitive promotions it will need until i see a desirable ranking.


Since this has proven to be really effective, I now have my own custom software, fully operational with several web properties and platforms on it. I am constantly updating and adding new properties whenever I discover one.

You don?t need an EMD domain to see great results. Like i mentioned earlier, I have tried this on a variety of domains, EMD, some keyword in domain, no keyword in domain e.t.c and results have been similar but with different turnaround time.

If you find this useful, pass it on. And If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.

To Your Success!


NB: For those that will want to keep a copy of this, I attach it as a PDF.


Appreciate the quality share. Question: Have you found any decrease in your G rankings since G's crack down on article sites?
OP: Great post. Plus rep for you!

A few questions:

2 . I spin the first article, and submit it to the article sites. In the articles, I provide a single link back to my money site.

OP: What do you use to submit the articles? AMR? Other?

3. Once all the linking is done, I bookmark all of the created properties so far. Depending on my motivation/aggressiveness, I usually have a couple 10's to 100's of solid properties at this stage. This will be my 3rd to 5th day of promotion and it is time to take some rest and check my rankings again.
Usually, there will be some improvement already but at this stage, i really do not care. Also at this stage, if it is my 3rd day, I will post another article to my money site from the 10 articles we wrote in the beginning. What i like most about this is that as soon as i click the post button, my posts get indexed:)

What are you using for your boomarking? BMD? Other? I'm also a little confused about your statement that "What I like most about this is that as soon as I click the post button, my posts get indexed". What have you done to get that extra article indexed so quickly?

4. I take all my created links so far and blast a couple thousand blog comments to them. I use all my 10 keywords as anchor for the blast. Quantity of the blast totally depends on my level of competition.

Can you give me an idea of how many comments you blast for the more competitive KY's (the 49k exact search pharse in G's KY tool)

You don't need an EMD domain to see great results. Like i mentioned earlier, I have tried this on a variety of domains, EMD, some keyword in domain, no keyword in domain e.t.c and results have been similar but with different turnaround time.

How much longer did a non-EMD take to rank with this process than an EMD (days more? weeks more? months more?)

Thanks for your time
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OP: Looks great and will read when I'm have a little more time...

Thanks a million

And Have A Blessed One...
Appreciate the quality share. Question: Have you found any decrease in your G rankings since G's crack down on article sites?
No, my rankings remain solid. I have not been really affected.
How competitive were the keywords? Seems like basic article marketing combined with scrapebox blasts. Which will get you on Page 1 on not very competitive KW's.
OP: Great post. Plus rep for you!

A few questions:

OP: What do you use to submit the articles? AMR?Other?

What are you using for your boomarking? BMD? Other? I'm also a little confused about your statement that "What I like most about this is that as soon as I click the post button, my posts get indexed". What have you done to get that extra article indexed so quickly?


Can you give me an idea of how many comments you blast for the more competitive KY's (the 49k exact search pharse in G's KY tool)


How much longer did a non-EMD take to rank with this process than an EMD (days more? weeks more? months more?)[/COLOR]

Thanks for your time

OP: What do you use to submit the articles? AMR?Other?
For the study case, I was using my scripts to sign up and submit and my workers take it over from wherever the script left off. I have AMR as well but never used it as part of the whole process. I will look into that as well :)

What are you using for your boomarking? BMD?
In the begining, everything was being done using imacros and our workers.

"What I like most about this is that as soon as I click the post button, my posts get indexed". What have you done to get that extra article indexed so quickly?
I was revering to the post on my own money sites, not on article sites. And if that was what you meant, i don't do anything extra. The posts just get indexed almost immediately i publish it.

How much longer did a non-EMD take to rank with this process than an EMD (days more? weeks more? months more?)
There is no set timeframe since competition and several other factor varies. If I don't get my desired ranking at the first run, I just do it again.
Its one of the best feelings once you find a working system that you know work, and you can use over and over again

Thanks for the share... I will try this plan too...
So I'm a bit confused on how you go about setting your site and doing promotion. So once you have 10 keywords picked and put in them in 2 groups (5 in each) you then have 10 articles written for each keyword, but each article having the other 4 keywords in there as well.

So on day 1 you mention you post 1 of the articles and then move on to the next step (which is promotion). So at this stage your money site only has 1 post on the homepage correct?

So when you have 2 unique articles written at the first stage of the promotion will it target this same keyword that has a post on your site now because you say "I spin the first article, and submit it to the article sites. In the articles, I provide a single link back to my money site." So do when you post the first article on your money site do you pick the less competitive one like you do for your promotion? Do you point the link back to your homepage or to the post url?

Just not sure if you have your money site up with all 10 posts before you begin your promotion or not.
So I'm a bit confused on how you go about setting your site and doing promotion. So once you have 10 keywords picked and put in them in 2 groups (5 in each) you then have 10 articles written for each keyword, but each article having the other 4 keywords in there as well.

So on day 1 you mention you post 1 of the articles and then move on to the next step (which is promotion). So at this stage your money site only has 1 post on the homepage correct?

So when you have 2 unique articles written at the first stage of the promotion will it target this same keyword that has a post on your site now because you say "I spin the first article, and submit it to the article sites. In the articles, I provide a single link back to my money site." So do when you post the first article on your money site do you pick the less competitive one like you do for your promotion? Do you point the link back to your homepage or to the post url?

Just not sure if you have your money site up with all 10 posts before you begin your promotion or not.

1. No. I have one article for each keyword which brings us to a total of 10 articles for all the 10 keywords. The only difference with my writing style and the conventional one is that each of my article does not only promote the keyword being written about, but also the 4 other keywords in the same group. So, i end up having 5 closely related keywords in every article. I can put up a sample if some people are still confused.

2. Yes right. I have only one article on my site at the time i roll out promotion.

3. The first article i post on my site will be the one that targets the keyword with the least competition out of the whole 10. But keep in mind that this article also has 5 other related keywords in it. As for the link, I point back to both my homepage and post url. I just do it randomly.
Thanks for sharing. Subscribed and will read more in depth when I have time.
you mentioned using the bulk indexing tool for getting the urls crawled/indexed. What is you success rate there and how much time is indexing taking. Or you are getting results only from google crawling your backlinks, not really worrying about them getting indexed.
you mentioned using the bulk indexing tool for getting the urls crawled/indexed. What is you success rate there and how much time is indexing taking. Or you are getting results only from google crawling your backlinks, not really worrying about them getting indexed.

I get up to 60-80% of my links indexed in approx 2 weeks. But like i said earlier, this also depends on the quantity of links I am trying to index. By crawling, I was revering to being indexed.
Interesting. I just downloaded the PDF. Will read more in-depth later. Thanks for sharing!
Good Share, I do have the similar approach, but with less competitive keywords and less steps. One thing I don't do is index the links, I leave google to find it naturally (because of low competition), what this means is probably I end up doing month's worth of promotion and link building for just 2 days
1. No. I have one article for each keyword which brings us to a total of 10 articles for all the 10 keywords. The only difference with my writing style and the conventional one is that each of my article does not only promote the keyword being written about, but also the 4 other keywords in the same group. So, i end up having 5 closely related keywords in every article. I can put up a sample if some people are still confused.

2. Yes right. I have only one article on my site at the time i roll out promotion.

3. The first article i post on my site will be the one that targets the keyword with the least competition out of the whole 10. But keep in mind that this article also has 5 other related keywords in it. As for the link, I point back to both my homepage and post url. I just do it randomly.

Thanks for the clarification. A sample article would be great if you can post one and give us an example of the keyword grouping for an example niche.

Also was your case study site a EMD? And based on your experience what sort of time difference is there between having a EMD and non-EMD as far as getting to the same position on page 1? If the same method SEO method was used for two sites, but the only difference was that one was EMD (keyword[dot]com) and the other not (i.e. keywordinfo[dot].com).
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Ive used Magic Submitter with almost the same technique of articles and PR releases as yours for ranking and it defo works, seems the Google kick on articles sites is total bullshit (at present).
For your spin articles do you submit the same spinned articles to all the article sites and blogs, doc sites, etc. or do each article directories get a different spinned article (do you keep the spin syntax there so that each site gets a different version)