UAW for dummies


Aug 11, 2008
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I just wanted to share a few notes on UAW here, because I've seen several posts from people who have problems using it, and I was one of them not too long ago.

1) You don't have to sign up for a paid account to use the content UAW provides. The paid accounts are for article authors, not for publishers. Funny world, you have to pay to do work but you can use the result for free.

2) In order to receive articles, you'll need to set up your categories accordingly. Go to uber*articles.c0m/articles/ to see what's available. Your category slugs need to match the categories on this site, e.g. there's a category "Domain-Names" on it, you'll have to create a category with the slug "domain-names" to receive articles in it.

3) You don't pull articles from them, they post them to your blog. That means you don't have any control over the content you get, you'll have to take what they send to you.

Of course there's a problem now if your blog's topic doesn't match one (or more) of their categories. Here's a way to get around this:

1) Install a second WP blog in a subfolder of your main blog - let's say your real blog is at which is located under /whatever/www/ on your server, create a new directory /whatever/www/ and run a basic WP install in it.

2) Mute this dummy blog - disable pings, comments, trackbacks, anything that communicates with the net. Install the UAW plugin in it and nothing else. Create categories in it that correspond exactly to uber*articles categories and that broadly match the topic of your real blog. For example, if your real blog is about fx trading, create a category 'Finance' in your dummy blog. Now you'll receive all their articles in the finance category, with topics like the usual debt-consolidation and remortgage shit that are completely useless for you, and the how-I-make-teh-moniez-$$$-from-forex stuff you want.

3) To sort the wheat from the chaff, you'll need to install one of the rss2blog plugins in your main blog, like wp-o-matic or autoblogged (btw, if you don't know autoblogged, check it out - it's a bit pricey, but it's really, really great plus you get the complete sourcecode if you buy it, not the usual pseudo-encoded heap of garbage). Now in wp-o-matic, you can use the feeds from your dummy blog like for example (no pun intended) to pull the posts that contain the word 'forex' into your main blog. Autoblogged gives you a few more possibilities to filter for keyphrases, exclude some stuff etc.

4) As an alternative to 3), you can also use the feed wrangler plugin in your dummy blog to create customized feeds, but you'd have to have some knowledge about WP functions, PHP and XML to use it, and I really don't want to get into this here because this post is already long enough.

Conclusion: UAW is a bitch, but it will give you nice, unique, targeted content for free and without doing any real work if you know how to use it.

If you have questions, please post them in this thread and I'll try to answer them if I can.
Thanks for great post. I can see you know a lot about this autoblog.. can you please help me with Wp-o-matic..

lets say I install wpom plugin in my blog and then in setting i will not use unix based cron

1 ) so in the option area of WPOM I did this ( Unchecked the Unix cron )

# Unix cron Unchecked

Cron command:
*/20 * * * * /usr/bin/wget

WebCron-ready URL:

2) Then in utopia cron job I will take and ask it to run every 6 hours ( just an example )

3) Now I will go to WOPM and then go to any campaign setting ( for example campaign name is "health" ) and then there is options tab ( between rewrite and tools )

what do i have to put there in frequency

Frequency d h m

How often should feeds be checked? (days, hours and minutes)

if I put 6 hours in cron job and here in frequncy 2 hours then what is my frequency? 2 hours or 6 hours?

and then below in that options

Max items to create on each fetch

Set it to 0 for unlimited. If set to a value, only the last X items will be selected, ignoring the older ones.

if I put 2 items


what WOPM will fetch 2 items ( articles, feed ) every 2 hours ( as frequency is set on 2 hours ) or every 6 hours ( as cron is set on 6 hours )?

Hope you can help me..

I will really appreciate it...


Thanks for great post. I can see you know a lot about this autoblog.. can you please help me with Wp-o-matic..

lets say I install wpom plugin in my blog and then in setting i will not use unix based cron

1 ) so in the option area of WPOM I did this ( Unchecked the Unix cron )

# Unix cron Unchecked

Cron command:
*/20 * * * * /usr/bin/wget

WebCron-ready URL:

2) Then in utopia cron job I will take and ask it to run every 6 hours ( just an example )

3) Now I will go to WOPM and then go to any campaign setting ( for example campaign name is "health" ) and then there is options tab ( between rewrite and tools )

what do i have to put there in frequency

Frequency d h m

How often should feeds be checked? (days, hours and minutes)

if I put 6 hours in cron job and here in frequncy 2 hours then what is my frequency? 2 hours or 6 hours?

and then below in that options

Max items to create on each fetch

Set it to 0 for unlimited. If set to a value, only the last X items will be selected, ignoring the older ones.

if I put 2 items


what WOPM will fetch 2 items ( articles, feed ) every 2 hours ( as frequency is set on 2 hours ) or every 6 hours ( as cron is set on 6 hours )?

Hope you can help me..

I will really appreciate it...


I think the cronjob is basicly only a backup that reactivates the WPOM campaigns incase they've somehow been deactivated/frozen/or something like that, maybe because of a apache webserver reboot, full server reboot or any other reason.

Your posting frequency is basicly that which you type in the WPOM campaign.

I usually have the cronjob check the WPOM campaigns once a day per blog.
Thanks Beef,

So I can just unchecked cron job in WPOM as I said above and put frequency 6 hours in a campaign and say 2 post fetching. so it will fetch 8 post in 24 hours ( without me running any cron job not even utopia if nothing is frozen )? so no need to set up any cron job in ideal condition right?

and even if i am setting cron job every 2 hours it will not fetch any post and it will just reactivate WPOM ? and will fetch depending on frequency setup in campaign settings..
That's pretty clever- having a hidden dummy blog. It's like having a secondary filter... you could probably set up a central hub on a broad category, then feed several smaller niche blogs from it. ;)
I can see you know a lot about this autoblog

Lol, nope, I'm just another noob trying to make it work.

if I put 6 hours in cron job and here in frequncy 2 hours then what is my frequency? 2 hours or 6 hours?

The cron jobs (server cron or web-based) just trigger wpo to parse the feeds you configured, they are basically just artificial hits to your blog so it can autoupdate even if you don't have any real traffic. The frequency you set determines how often it will actually post something. At least that's how I understand it.

you could probably set up a central hub on a broad category, then feed several smaller niche blogs from it. ;)

Yep, that's even better if the blogs you feed from it have different topics. Less work to do ;)
ok guys thanks for replies..

one quick question.. when in WOPM you put frequency as 15 minutes. it doesn't do anything after 15 mintues but it does after every 6 hours and 15 minutes.. is it same for all ?
postguru, I can't really say. Usually I don't update this often. But I just setup WPOM to pull the Ya*hoo newsfeed every 15 minutes, I'll let you know what happens.

mark1993, I don't have an account at 000webh0st, but couldn't you just use a real ftp client like filezilla or gftp or whatever to connect there and change file permissions? And their website says they use cpanel, I think there's an option in cpanel that allows you to fix file permissions, too.
Fact is the free plugin of UAW Post per crap copied articles .How do I know I used it on a few blog always got copied content....

And the UAW forum is useless too , the forum is full of other bitching about the copied content ...
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Ok, here's the result: WPOM will not update at intervals < 1h. When I set it to 15 minutes, I got updates at approximately every one hour and fifteen minutes. Anything > 1h seems to be working fine (for me, at least). It's probably a bug, but I can't see why I should update anything more than once per hour anyway, so wtf.

superman: I agree most articles from UAW aren't exactly prime quality - you get what you pay for, and I don't pay anything at all, so I'm not too picky about it. If you or someone else can suggest a better source, I'm all ears.
i think its depends on some server time setting at cpanel.... for some reason mine works whatever time i put there plus 6 hours... so it put there 15 minutes its 6 hours and 15 minutes and if i put 30 minutes its 6 hours and 30 minutes.. now i have figured it out so its not a problem for me.. thanks for good post..