Typical CPM?


Registered Member
Oct 2, 2008
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High guys,

i know this is a newbieish question.

Ive got about 10 sites I own all making money, I just dont know how well they are making money.

Lets say youve got one ad black on a site what is a typical eCPM to expect from adsense or another network? What is a typical eCPM to expect for an entire page, which may have multiple ad blocks.

The typical type of sites I won are say funny picture sites, niche content sites, video sites etc.
Unclear on your question. Please restate exactly what you are trying to find out.
unless your specific about the niche & content no one can really tell you what the CPM average is.
Not sure about what the OP means, but I guess he is thinking about the average rate of CPM.

I would like to know if there is any average rate of CPM. Say, if average CPM rate is $1 then maybe one can try to drive 1K traffic with $.60 cost. Something like that...
It depends on what your site is etc... if you are promoting a product your cpm could be 100$s if its just a personal blog it could be as low as sub $1, and that isn't taking in to account what you are promoting.
hmmm didnt think anyone replied. didnt get any email notification.

i guess what im trying to do is work backwards. For example if my desired income is $200 per day, and the average CPM is "X" then I would need "Y' amount of traffic to achieve this. Im trying to figure out X, so i can figure out Y.

As an example if your a 6 foot tall man and you weight 150kg then you have an above average weight, if you weigh 50kg then you have a below average a rate.

If you a web developer and your getting 1000 page impressions per day, and have one ad unit block on your page what is considered below average and what is above average?

I know this varies from the type of sites you have, but as I said im talking about niche content sites and entertainment sites (e.g. funny pics). And im talking about monetising these sites with adsense, or some similar program. Im not talking about building an ebook or anything like that.
sorry...filthycro...what you actually want ?? i am abit confused...how to help ??
For entertainment sites i fit on my page layout one 300*200 adsense block, one cpm banner & 3 text links for email/zip CPA offers. For funny pic that combination should add up to $3+ cpm for a low volume traffic

But the cpm you get all depends on your traffic volume, because if you have bugger all traffic you are only going to be accepted by the shit networks. Once you get to a certain traffic volume you start to get some really good payouts on CPM banners, like $10+ cpm.

If you are doing entertainment sites don't aim for $200/day, the magic figure is 33,334 UV/day [1 million UV/month]
Once you get to a certain traffic volume you start to get some really good payouts on CPM banners, like $10+ cpm.

just out of curiosity, is there any chance you could tell us which PPV network(s) you are getting a $10 CPM from? thats pretty impressive