Twitter Verified Profile Badge

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Elite Member
Oct 30, 2011
Reaction score
Looking for anyone who can get Twitter accounts (which are already fairly established) verified with the badge?

If so, please add me on skype at: LeithSEO
you know the verification badge is not something you can just ask twitter to buy right?
you know the verification badge is not something you can just ask twitter to buy right?

Drop $15k+ in advertising and they will verify an account to "protect it" - happens often. The reasoning behind it is that a brand dropping serious ad money with them should be protected form others attempting to copy/imitate their brand and take advantage of the advertising. (that is what they say anyway - they just want the $$$$) But anyone claiming to be able to verify otherwise is 100% full of sh#t.
you know the verification badge is not something you can just ask twitter to buy right?

I know, but I've worked with several companies in the past who offered it as a service. Unfortunately, those particular companies are now too busy to take on more work and therefore looking for alternatives.
I can do twitter and facebook verification.
Twitter verification price: 1200$
Facebook verification price: 1000$

Skype: midho.97

Best Regards

You are a previously banned member

Be wary everyone - this guy will be a scammer
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