Twitter: Tons of Clicks, But No Leads


Senior Member
Oct 4, 2009
Reaction score
So I started promoting email and zip submits as a trial run on Twitter to see how it would go and right away I started getting tons of clicks. Like so many in such a short amount of time for the amount of posting I'm doing that I'm not sure what's going on. No leads though, which I'm not very surprised about.

I know Twitter traffic is not prone to converting very much, but do they click like crazy? :confused:

Thanks :D
Are you using TA wait and reply?

Also I read a lot of bots click your links so that may be part of the cause or your offer just doesn't convert.
Posted via Mobile Device
I'm not using TA Wait and Reply, but the bots clicking the links may be a big factor. I didn't know the bots did click links.

And I'm not so much interested in the offer converting right now, but rather where all these clicks are coming from.
This is VERY, VERY common with Twitter...

You can get 1 million clicks and 0 leads, I honestly believe making money in Twitter is only for extremely high-IQ blackhatters...
I know of a blackhat technique that can make thousands of dollars each day from any kind of traffic source :))
If you want a piece of advice, stay away from CPA + Twitter. It would be better if you try with facebook, but even facebook begin to fall each day.
Twitter traffic reminds me a lot of social bookmarking traffic. You get a lot of clicks but no meaningful action.
Yeah its sucks your better off sending them to a review site and
then asking for the opt-in through a pop up!
Yes, most probably many of the clicks are from bots and crawlers.
And yeah, traffic from twitter converts, but it should be very very targeted. It really depends on what type of offer and who you are sending them to.
what is the best way to get clicks on twitter? If we're talking about getting views rather than actual leads
if yer just topic trend spamming all of your hits are going to be from bots and like 2% real human traffic.

you need targeted followers.
What's your niche?

I'm averaging 1 lead for every 160 clicks on my best offer.

Most CPA offers aren't worth your time.
Promote a shitload of chain restaurant coupon offers for a particular city should pay off quite handsomely. Throw in a few local references too.