Twitter: Monetizing Adult Niche (2 mil impressions)


Junior Member
Apr 25, 2018
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Hey Guys, I've been looking on this forum for a while and a lot of your journeys have inspired me. But inspiring is not enough. So I've decided to record my journey on this forum. Nothing fancy, no 1000-words blogposts meant to lure you into buying an e-book. Just stats, actions, and some minor reflections. This to keep me motivated to keep on going and to help others with their Twitter efforts too.

So here is the current situation: Back in 2016 I started a shitty Adult Twitter account. I tweeted like 10 tweets and didn't see any major traction and so I moved on to the next shiny object. When I checked the account a year later I saw it had grown to 150 followers and that multiple tweets had over 100.000 impressions. So I decided to invest some more time into the account and grew it to over 1000 followers. Then the next shiny object came up and I've had a few moments where I decided to use Tweetdeck to schedule some tweets. The account continued to grow and gain impressions and every month or two I'd schedule a week worth of posts.

So this week I checked it again and it had grown to 7000 followers and it still gained 1.5 million impressions per month on average. I tested the audience by posting some posts and in less than a minute the likes started pouring in again. I posted some polls too to make sure that it wasn't just likes by fake bots which I feared and these got votes and reactions too. So yeah the audience is definitely still out there and longing for posts and I'm going to give them what they want.

I've looked at competitors and eyed their strategies regarding posting frequency and monetization methods and decided it's still worth it. So here is what I'll be doing right now.

Expanding to 30k followers and 10 million impressions per month.
Twice a week I'll spend an hour to craft original tweets for the account. If I have time left I'll engage with audience too by reacting to their comments since the Twitter alghoritm seems to favour this. In a later stage I'll introduce some new accounts (Adult/Non-Adult, idk cars?) to my audience and that will give me the ability to monetize with shoutouts and eventually a website.

Why not monetize with an adult site?
Well to be fair, I don't feel like spending much time on an adult site since that is not my thing. Neither do I wanna make a oneclick tubesite since these usually have malware ads on their networks and well everyone is doing it already. I'd rather try to build and monetize a loyal small audience than waste time on yet another scale-focused tube site.

I'll update this topic twice a week.
Go with dating/adult dating/cams offers. Just make sure you will use pre-lander, or even better use a cloaker. :)
Go with dating/adult dating/cams offers. Just make sure you will use pre-lander, or even better use a cloaker. :)
Nope, no cloakers and what not for me, since these practices are far from customer friendly. They might make you some quick dirty money but again that's not the goal here. I want a loyal audience that comes back for more. Non-Adult websites or Adult E-books might be a great option here.
Nope, no cloakers and what not for me, since these practices are far from customer friendly. They might make you some quick dirty money but again that's not the goal here. I want a loyal audience that comes back for more. Non-Adult websites or Adult E-books might be a great option here.

How many followers do you have?
My advice would be to get the other accounts set up sooner rather than later and try to grow them simultaneously. If that ban hammer falls its gonna hurt if that's your only account.
very interesting. I also have twitter accounts in adult niche. I'll wait for your upgrades. :)
My advice would be to get the other accounts set up sooner rather than later and try to grow them simultaneously. If that ban hammer falls its gonna hurt if that's your only account.
yeah you're right, I originally planned to do so, it just takes some time to create semi-original tweets with a high enough frequency. Once this account has enough tweets scheduled I'll start building more accounts.
First update - 28th of april 2018.

Work & Time:

Spent about 25 minutes longer than expected on creating and scheduling a week worth of content for the adult account. There has to be a way for this to go smoother. Maybe I'll make an excel sheet or a word document where I can save ideas when they pop up in my mind. Anyway, I can let Tweetdeck do the work for now so that's great, might consider using Buffer but I don't know what their policies are on adult accounts.
I've experimented with simple content and original content and obviously the original content performs better but it also takes more time to create it.

Each tweet currently gets 6000 impressions on average within the first 24 hours which isn't bad but it could have been better. The account gained 80 followers in the last two days which also could have been better. Currently at 1.7 million impressions over the last 28 days but I expect it to be a lot higher now I've scheduled tweets again. The engagement is also rather good, tweet engagement is 17% overall at the moment. I also got over 65 votes on each of the polls that I've posted yesterday, they'll last for a week so I'll retweet them somewhere this week again. The polls are a great way to get insights on what your followers want.

After reading certain comments on this topic I've agreed that I should have more accounts, putting all your eggs in one basket and having that basket suspended ain't any good. I'll build more accounts and I think I'll be doing something with adult ebooks on Kindle for monetisation. My audience seems to be into that idea and it's way better than ripping them off with some shady dating/cam sites.

What's next:
Next week I'll schedule another week worth of content, preferably within the amount of time I've freed in my agenda. I'll also start checking the best times to tweet and the best types of tweets to tweet in order to increase engagement and impressions. I am aiming for 7500 impressions within the first 24 hours and 2 million impressions in the last 28 days.

Thanks for reading ^^
Hey this looks interesting. Do you post images or videos with your tweets? Do you sexy words or really graphic ones with the f bombs in them?
Second update - 4th of May 2018.

Work & Time:

This time I could go on and fill yet another week worth of content in less time than I had blocked. What helped me now is that I looked at the tweets of last week and some competitors and that gave me plenty of inspiration. Twitter Analytics gives you really good data on how your tweets perform, you can download it and open it in an excel. I have decided to not use Buffer but I did keep some notes on my phone whenever a new idea popped up which also really helped. As for now I just spend 25-50 minutes on crafting 14 original tweets per week which means 2 tweets per day. I know it isn't a lot but my followers don't just want lame adult graphics, there are plenty of bot-accounts doing that already. However, I don't want to turn this into a dayjob either, maybe I'll just double the tweets per day to 4 a day.

So the impressions are steadily growing but not as hard as I wished, maybe I should make even more content and spread it better. Currently at 1.6 million impressions over the last 28 days. Each tweet still receives about 6000 impressions in the first 24 hours and engagement is also still great.
The polls performed very well and each of them got over 10.000 impressions and at least 140 votes per poll. It also gave me insights for what to do next.
What did increase this week was the replies on tweets, lots of horny men that are probably willing to spend some money. If I can trust my Twitter Analytics my audience is supposed to be earning
$75,000 - $99,999 a year.

So I have done some research on monetisation and a some of you guys commented about cloaking or signing up with CPA snapchat whatevers but again that's not my business style. I don't do cheap and quick anymore that was when I was a teenager hungry for money.

I want to build longterm businesses that give people actual value, make them comeback and make the brand grow. Now this might sound weird for an adult niche but people can be loyal to an account even when it's an adult account. Plus I don't want to rely too much on others to make money.

I've been looking into Amazon Kindle and Smashword for publishing e-books (like I said my audience is into stories) which sounds like the best option for now. I'll probably add a blog to it where readers can get previews and use the twitter account to give away teasers. Maybe I could start a patreon? Another option would be to build a membership site, that way I'd completely own the income source without having to rely on alghoritms and what not.

What's next:
Next week I'll be adding another week of content again. I'll also start experimenting with giving away teasers and sending traffic to a test-site. I am also still aiming for 7500 impressions within the first 24 hours and 2 million impressions in the last 28 days. I predict this will eventually happen as I am finally running the account fully again.

Hey this looks interesting. Do you post images or videos with your tweets? Do you sexy words or really graphic ones with the f bombs in them?
Answer: It's really a mixture of images, short videos and gifs combined with texts. Sometimes they're really graphic and sometimes they're just teasers. I've found out that just uploading sexy images doesn't generate any impressions at all. With some sexy text it works fine. Videos perform decent without text but with text they perform even better! Also don't forget to use hashtags, just don't over do it and pick specific hashtags over general adult hashtags.

Thanks for reading ^^
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Third update - 16th of May 2018.
Sorry for not posting earlier, I had some stuff going on in my personal life.

Work & Time:

I continued to use 2 tweets per day and instead started another account to make sure not all my eggs are in one basket. Getting images and jotting down caption ideas goes pretty fast at the moment, it is starting to become a routine. Which is a good sign, I am getting faster and better at this. I also started using videos from porn sites, cutting out 45 seconds of like a 28 minutes amateur porn and giving my own captions to it. Haven't worked on the website because personal stuff came up so I'll save that for later.

So the impressions have been increasing, I am now at the point where the main account gets 1.88 million impressions per month. The last 7 days the average impressions per day was over 111.000 impressions per day. Which means that If I can continue at this rate I'll reach 3 million impressions per month in a few eeks. The video's do surprisingly well but strange enough images and gifs still tend to get the most engagement and impressions. Engagement is at a steady 16% at the moment and each tweet gets about 1-2 replies. Tweets differ from receiving 40 retweets and 120 to getting 13 retweets and 50 likes.

So I started 2 different accounts and did some tests. I used the main account to retweet the test accounts, of course the lewd account performed better but the non-lewd account didn't do bad either. However I will be focusing more on the second lewd account first. Which managed to score 70k impressions in the first week starting from scratch and now is at 150 followers. Each tweet gets about 4-5 retweets and 20 likes.

I have expanded with 2 accounts, 1 lewd account and a non-lewd account. The lewd account performs way better. In the following weeks I'll grow the lewd account and than I'll use the main account and the lewd account (once it has grown enough followers) to promote yet another of my lewd accounts. Regarding to monetisation, I still want to go with a membership site or a bunch of e-books, maybe both. I mean sure it's cute to get that 1$ affiliate commision of that shitty cam site but that isn't really my style.

E-books at 4$ would be a good idea, I mean all you have to do is write a short story (or hire someone on Fiverr if you're really lazy), get yourself a 15$ e-book cover from Fiverr and publish it. Not only can I promote this too my audience (which tends to like reading hot stories, I polled this) I also have a chance to get my books discovered by people browsing the Amazon Kindle store. At a 4$ price that would make me 2.80$ per book sale. The best part of this idea? It's very likely that apart from my Twitter audience, I'll get sales from other sources too (Kindle search) and they'll make me money without having me ever touch the product ever again.

The other or second option next to e-books would be a paid membership site with some good stories. (I saw a competitor make up a porn social network where you can follow pornstars - no actual pornstars ofcourse, all girls had false names - and keep up with their life and ofcourse their sexlife for 30$ per month.) Make a site like that, hire a bunch of writers, steal (or better, shoot) some pics and get 100 people to sign up for 3,99$ a month, that's 399$ solid income per month. Or make it bigger, invest in more writers and better pics / vids and charge 30$ per month. That's 30000$ per MONTH.

Another option would be setting up a fake model snapchat account and charge people for acces but snapchat isn't really up my alley. Plus it would make me depended on a platform and chances of getting traffic from other sources to the Snapchat account are real low.

Point is, leads are fucking valuable, so don't throw them away at a shitty cam site that pays you a shitty commission! Instead, hook them up to your own product or service or maillist and get actual good money out of them.

What's next:
Next week I'll be adding another week of content again and in the meanwhile I'll continue to grow my second lewd account. Keeping growth steady and growing to a combined 9 million impressions per month in 3 months is really my goal for now. Once that is going in the right direction I'll start reaching out to writers and I'll start working on getting my self a bunch of good e-books.

So there is another guy here called Alex and he is starting a Twitter journey too. So we started about the quality of tweets and here is a lesson I just wanna share with you guys:

Just by following cam girls followers I noticed the amount of similar accounts just spamming hot pictures and porn was ridiculous, it definitely makes more sense trying to get a audience following you that actually wants to read/see your pictures and posts, I think the conversion rate of tweets/clicks will be so low for those accounts wheres its obvious its just a spam account and the only people following are just wanting to get there daily tit image.

This is fucking true, don't be like all the others, Twitter is oversaturated with Twitter bots posting spammy porn pics, no one is waiting for that. Be unique in what you do. One example based on what I do would be:

Imagine you run a cosplay hotties account (which I don't, maybe as an expansion in the future) and you just spam pics every 30 minutes of cosplay hotties. Your engagement is very likely to be very low because every cosplay hotties account does this. Now imagine that instead of doing that you post like 6 cosplay hotties a day and give each tweet a special caption.

So instead of a pic of two lewd cosplay girls and a link to your affiliate you'll post that pic with a lewd description like "Me and my best friend lost a bet with her boyfriend so we had to dress up like this, judging from the bulge in his pants I think he likes it". and maybe than add your affiliate link (allthough I prefer to have in the bio or a seperate tweet). I can guarantee you the second option will get way more engagement and reach way more people and it only takes like maybe a minute to think of such a caption.

Thank you all for reading this, next update will be within a week.
Following Intently :) IM coming after those twitter impression numbers pal! :) best of luck to you, nice to have someone testing the waters with me even if we're going down different monetisation routes.

Point is, leads are fucking valuable, so don't throw them away at a shitty cam site that pays you a shitty commission! Instead, hook them up to your own product or service or maillist and get actual good money out of them.

I'm not so sure of this, again I have no experience in actually monetisation but I still have the belief by building a decent following on each of my accounts and having a bespoke landing page for each one I should be able to convert some clicks, obviously the vast majority will not lead through to a conversion but with the chatturbate Rev share Its more about getting whales from what I see oppose to quantity of users paying small amounts of money.

Again, best of luck :)

Im already thinking im wrong about the above, but I guess this is all trial and error.